Chapter 25

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Harry's P.O.V

"Mum! Why did you let her go!" I shouted

"Harry she needed some rest." She said

"I don't care something could happen after everything just happened how could you be so careless" I said

"Just let her be alone for a little while" She said

"Have you guys seen Brooke" The officer that was here before said running in.

"Yes she was here a little while ago is everything okay?" My mum asked

"People heard a gun shot at the abandoned store-"

"What! We need to go now!" I shouted getting up from the hospital bed.

"No you need to stay in bed" my mum said

"No Brooke's there I know she is" I said

"Harry your hurt you need to stay" she said

"Hi there's a Nicole here-"

"Nicole!" The officer and I shouted interrupting the nurse who walked in.

We ran out of the room to the lobby to see Nicole. She was so dirty and she only had a shirt on. She was wearing Brooke's shirt. She caught my eye right away.

"Harry she's introuble" She panicked

"send people to the abandoned store right away" The officer said into his walky talky.

"Why are you wearing Brooke's shirt where is she!" I yelled at Nicole.

"I-I" she hesitated

"Come on we need to go" I said running out

"No Harry you need to stay here" The officer said

"No Im coming" I demanded


"No mum" I interrupted her

"Come on we dont have time for this. I know where they could be" Nicole said

"Let's go" I said

"Mum stay here for Niall" I said as she nodded

"Harry please be safe I love you" She said

"I love you too mum" I said giving her a hug

"Protect her" She whispered in my ear.


"Where?" The officer said

"There is a hallway in one of the dressing rooms" Nicole said

Nicole was just about to run into the store but the other police men stopped her.

"Let me go" She complained

"Its to dangerous we have people going in there already" The officer said

"I dont care what you say I'm going in there with you guys" I said.

You could tell on the officers face he wasnt going to fight this one.

"Let's go" The officer said

"Nicole call me if anything happens. I have my phone on vibrate I'll feel it" I said as she nodded.

We ran in and looked around.

"Harry" The officer whispered

I looked over to see the officer waving me over

I walked over to him quietly.

"What?" I whispered

"Here" He said giving me a gun

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