Chapter 15

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"Oh my god look at this" I said showing Harry
"well you are dating the bestest guy in the world"Harry said flipping his hair
"Someone has a high ego" I said smiling
"jeez Niall" Harry said
"are you serous" Niall said
"Kidding" Harry said smiling
"Do you want to stay private or take it off private so people can follow you?" Harry asked
"I dont know what should I do?" I asked
"Sophia's private because she rather have privacy" Liam said
"Elenor isnt private because to many people were asking to follow her and it would freeze her phone so she took her self off private" Louie said
"Perrie was already famous so she isnt private" Zayn said
"and I'm single pringle" Niall said curling his short hair as we all laughed
"so its up to you" Harry said
"well I rather privacy too but I dont want my phone to freeze a lot" I said smiling
"Than go off private" Harry said
"Okay" I agreed
I switch the button to off private. Now everyone can see what I post.
"Here Ill follow you" Harry said
The door bell rang it was the pizza guy. Harry said thank you for the pizza and gave him a pretty good tip.
Two hours went by of watching Finding Neom because there was nothing else on.
"Well it's getting late we better get going" Liam said
"ya it was nice to see you Brooke" Louie said
"you too Louie" I said smiling
"Feel better Brooke" Zayn said bending down to give me a hug
"Harry are you leaving now or later?" Niall asked
"Later" Harry answered
"Okay Liam can you drive me to my flat?" Niall asked because Harry and Niall share a flat.
"Sure" Liam said
"Bye Brooke" Niall said giving me a hug
"Bye" I said
After they all left Harry looked at me.
"Here I'll carry you up stairs" He said getting up
I didnt even disagree I put my arms up to go around his neck.
Harry carried me upstairs to my room holding my leg very carefully.
Once he layed me on my bed he bent over and gave me kiss.
"Thank you" I said
"My pleasure" He said smiling
"Ill be back tommorrow morning" He said
"okay" I said
"I love you" He said
"I love you too" I said giving him another kiss
While he was walking to the door I looked around my dark room than the first thought that came into mind was Rodger.
"Harry" I said as he turned around
"Im scared what if Rodger comes back" I said
"Brooke he's not going to come back with me by your side" He said

"Your mine" He wisperred in my ear.
"Stop-p" I said not amble to speak much
"You can go for now but be aware im always watching" He said walking away
Flashback ends

"But he sai-"
"Don't worry about what he said your with me" Harry said coming to lay with me.
"But when you leave" I said
"Im never leaving" He said cuddling with me
Being in his arms never felt so good. I feel protected like nothing bad could happen when I'm with him
"Oh trust me your not safe"he said
"And why not" I said challenging myself
"Becuase Im gonna kill you" He said
He grabbed me and carried me inside this abandoned house
"NO, STOP! I shouted
"keep yelling no one can hear you, not even your lover boy" He said laughing
"HELP! HELP!" I shouted

Harry's P.O.V
I hate seeing Brooke like this. I wan't her to feel safe with me and I know she does but when Im not around her she doesn't feel safe. I let go of Brooke to go to the bathroom. While I was in the bathroom I heard Brooke scream. I heard Simon yell Brookes name.I ran out of the bathroom to see Simon running up the stairs. We both ran in Brooke's room to see Brooke sitting on her bed sweating like crazy and catching her breath.
"It was just a dream" I said climbing on her bed hugging her.
"Brooke Ill get you some water" Simon said
"Im so sorry I left I was just going to the bathroom" I said still hugging her
"He's watching me I know he is" She said crying
"You know what your coming to my flat. Youll be safe there you gonna stay there for a little while with Simons permission" I said
She nodded still crying into my chest.
Simon came back with water.
"Im going to talk to him" I wisperred in her ear
I turned the tv and light on for her. I made sure all the windows were locked and the curtains were closed.
"Simon can I talk to you?" I asked
"sure" He said
We stood outside of her door that Simon closed.
"What's up" Simon asked
"I think Brooke should stay with me and Niall" I said
"No I dont think thats a good idea" Simon said with a straight face.
"But think about it, Your gonna have to go to work than Niall or I will have to drive here to be with her all the time" I said
"Your right but what about if you to brake up than what?" Simon said
"Ill tell you now thats not happening anytime soon and I love her and dont want that happening. She will have me and Niall" I said
"Fine, but if she comes crying to me if you did anything I will kick your ass" Simon said
"Nothing will happen but okay" I said smiling
"so I guess your leaving now" Simon said
"Ya shes scared" I said
"okay good luck packing" Simon said laughing
"ya thanks" I said smiling
"Ill be down stairs" Simon said walking down the stairs.
I walked in Brookes room to see her laying down, watching tv
"What he say" Brooke asked now looking at me
"You can" I said smiling

Note: Short chapter! Hope you guys liked it! I'll have another update up by Thursday!

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