Chapter 7

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Brooks P.O.V
It was around 7 o'clock spending most of my day watching T.V. I decided to unpack my clothes and put them in my closet. I looked around the closet to put the necklace. There was a top shelf on the side above my clothes. I put it on the top back corner where nobody could see it.
After I finally finished unpacking I went into the shower. Once I got in the shower I realized I didn't have any soap. I threw on a towel and opened my door to the hallway screaming Simons name.
"Simon!" I screamed
"Ya" he answered
"Do you have any soap I can use for the shower". I yelled
"Oh ya one second!" He said
I stood behind my door while it was slightly open. Simon was coming down the hallway with shampoo, conditioner, and body soap.
"Here you go" he said behind the door reaching his hand out.
"Thank you" I said grabbing it from him
"After you shower can you come down. I want to talk to you". he said
"Okay I'll be down in like 15 minutes" I said
"Okay take your time". he said
After my shower I blow dried my hair and put it into a messy bun. I put my clothes that I was wearing before on and walked down stairs to the kitchen.
"Hey" I said to Simon
"Hey are you going with the boys tomorrow to look around London" he asked
"Ya is that okay" I said
"Ya that's fine, do you like them?". He asked
There was a 30 second silence
"Y-ya" I said
"Brook, It's not there fault that I left". he said
"Than what is you never told me" I said
"Come sit" he said
As we both walked toward the couch.
"The reason why I left was because....... because I was scared". he said
"What are you talking about we were all scared". I said getting a little frustrated.
"I know but seeing my sister hurt, It killed me. Than I got offered to this job and I couldn't pass it up-"
"But you could pass us up right" I said interrupting him
"I didn't pass you guys up, I just didn't want to see her like that, seeing someone you've known for your whole life in pain was really hard". he said
"DID YOU NOT THINK IT WAS HARD FOR HER TO, I GREW UP WITH HER AND MY FATHER AND NOW THERE BOTH GONE" I said yelling feeling like I was going to cry any minute
"I know Brook, I know that now it was stupid of me". he said
"Everything your saying is something that I had to deal with, while my dad was gone at work I took care of her I'm the one who did everything I can do for her". I said crying
"I'm so sorry" he said
"Whatever lets just not talk about this anymore" I said walking away
"I'll be in my room" I said
As I walked into my room I was thinking of our conversation.Seeing someone you've known for your whole life in pain was really hard. Who does he think is saying that. I've been with her my life too and now I can't live with her or my father anymore. As I was sitting on my bed watching T.V I heard a knock on my door.
"Brook" an unfamiliar voice said
"Ya?" I questioned
"It's Niall can I come in?" He said
"Ya" I said while wiping my tears off my face.
"Are you okay?" he asked
"Oh um ya I'm fine" I said
"Are you sure, do you want to talk about it?".
"Yeah, no it's okay". I said
"Okay do you mind if I stay in here for a little". he asked
"Sure" I answered
"This is a cool room" he said smiling
"Thanks" I said returning his smile
"Not be rude or anything but why are you here?" I asked
"Oh I was stopping by to grab my wallet I forgot it here from before, than I went to the bathroom and I um heard you and Simon". he said
"Oh" was all I could think of to say
"Yaaaaa, so do you want to do anything I'm so bored" he said dramatically laying upside down on my bed.
"What do you want to do" I asked
"Since we'll be seeing each other a lot, we should get to know each other." he said
"Okay do you know the game 20 questions?" I asked
"No, but I'm guessing we ask each other 20 questions" he said chuckling
"Yeah" I said smiling
"Okay, how old are you" he asked
"18" I said
He shook his waiting for me to ask him a question.
After 15 minutes of playing 20 questions Niall was a about to go home.
"Bye Brook, see you tomorrow?" He said giving me a hug.
"Yup see you tomorrow". I said
Once he walked out the door I spotted a wallet on the table. It was definitely Niall's. I grabbed the wallet and ran to the door.
"Niall!" I screamed
He turned around worried.
"You forgot your wallet" I said running to him
"Of course I did thanks". he said laughing
"No problem" I said turning around smiling.

The next morning I woke up around 11:30 it was probably the best sleep I had since my parents passed. I had an hour to get ready before the guys picked me up.
I went to my bathroom and put cold water on my face to wake up a little. I threw my hair out of the bun I had in last night. It was so poofy! I decided to take a shower.
After my shower I blow dried my hair than straightened it. I put a little liquid foundation on my face. I never really needed make up unless I had a pimple or something. I went into my closet still wearing a towel around my body.
I decided to wear leggings and a red life guard sweatshirt with high top converse. It was April 1st a new month so I knew start. I thought.
Once I checked the time it was 12:15. I went downstairs to the kitchen to get some breakfast until I heard 6 British accents. When I walked in I saw the boys and Simon.
"Hey guys" I said smiling walking to the fridge.
"Hey brook" they all said
"Sorry we're early but we wanted to get lunch if that's okay" Niall said
I realized that it was a little late for breakfast. I thought
"Ya sure" I said grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge.
"Brook, heres some money for lunch and wherever you guys go". Simon said
"Oh no it's okay, I have money" I said
"No I want you to take it". he said
"Really it's okay" I said smiling
"Niall hold on to this for her since she won't take it" Simon said smiling
"Sure" Niall said putting it into his wallet.
"Don't forget your wallet" I said to Niall
"Okay I forget it like 15 times and I get blamed for this stuff" he said laughing
"We'll I have to get going I'll see you guys soon, Brook I should be home around 9 is that okay?" Simon asked
"Ya that's fine" I said smiling
Even though I should be mad at Simon right now I decided to leave it behind right now since the guys are here. I thought.
Once Simon walked out the door we were all still standing in the kitchen.
"So are you ready to go" Liam asked
"Ya I just have to get something from upstairs I'll be right back" I said running up stairs.
I forgot to put perfume on so I decided to do it now. I looked around my room to see if I was for getting anything. I wasn't so I went back downstairs to see Harry and Niall in front of the door they looked mad.

Note: Hey guys! Sorry I know this chapter was a little boring but it will get better and sorry I changed her age again. I know I keep changing it but I won't change it again. :)

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