Oh, to have popcorn! (Part 2)

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"You can shut up at any time."

Festos turned his head to look at me. "So, why isn't he here wooing you?"

I sighed. "I don't know. Last time I saw him he was fighting a gajillion minions."

He shook his head. "There've been no rumblings about Kyrillos being dead."

I exhaled hard. So relieved. "Then why hasn't he come back? Gawd, listen to me. Stupid."

Festos lay down beside me. "Yeah, but more hormone stupid than inbred stupid," he clarified.

I elbowed him in the ribs. "I like you. I'll make sure Theo likes you, too."

"Sister, if you can do that ..." he paused.

"What?" I prompted. "You'll be my slave for life?"

He propped his hands behind his head, forcing me to scrunch sideways. "I was thinking more I'd speak of you fondly to people."

"I'll take that deal. I could do with more fond wishers in my life." I really could.

I stared down at our feet. "Why aren't you taller?"

Festos looked pointedly away.

I propped myself on one elbow. "Spill or I tickle."

He made a rude gesture at me then said "Prometheus. As long as he's in human form, I want to stay at a more compatible height. In case I run into him."

"And by 'run into' you mean hole up in this Seattle warehouse waiting for him to come find you?"

"No. I like Seattle. That part has nothing to do with him. Although, yes, he could have brought you here and asked for the favor in person. That's just basic etiquette."

"Festos looooves Prometheus." I made a few kissy noises for good measure and then asked "Can you get us food?" I could tell the switch in topics had thrown him. "Sorry. But when the hanger comes on, this girl has to feed. Angry hunger," I clarified at his look. I pursed my lips with a frown. "Or is it hungry anger? Either way, I expended a ton of energy getting out of Olympus and I haven't made up the calories yet. Plus you made me dance."

Festos hoisted himself up. "Heard your dad went all Vader on you." He scrounged in his kitchen.

"Yeah, a heartwarming reunion."

After a few minutes he came back with plates loaded high with hummus, baby carrots, and spanakopita, this amazing cheese pie in a flaky phyllo pastry which probably had a zillion calories. "All that dancing I did has to be good for about four of them," I explained as I double-fisted the treats.

"Or you were raised by wolves. Manners much? I'll say one thing," he continued, "whoever cast this memory spell was good."

I made sure to swallow before speaking. "Big deal. She cast a memory spell on one person. The dragon did that to our entire school. Made them forget two students and one of our teachers."

"Child's play. That's just a big blanket spell. Doesn't matter if it was sloppy. But this? She had to suppress your entire true personality."

"Part of my true personality. Sophie does very much exist."

"Fine. Your other true one, Jekyll. If she hadn't done it correctly? Imagine spending your whole life with this little niggling feeling that something wasn't right. That you were forgetting something."

"Yikes. Crazy making."

"Exactly." He bit into a carrot. "It's delicate, precise work. High level. Which is why you better hope Pierce knows what he's doing, otherwise, you could end up even more messed up than you are already. Memory-wise," he clarified, with a grin that made it clear that's not what he meant at all.

It was a risk I'd have to take. I had two months till the spring equinox and Zeus and Hades had to be stopped.

Thus, I'd help Pierce stop Bethany so that he could help me save her.

How insane was that?

Time to head back. I hugged Festos goodbye. "Thanks for trying, Fee. Come see me soon."

"Baby steps. Feed Prometheus the idea. Give him time to adjust. Then I'll come." He dipped me dramatically, "Until then, I shall burn for you, my lady."

I squealed as he nuzzled my neck, jokingly.

"Goddess, I'm shocked. I battle hoards of minions for you and instead of pining for me, you're letting another guy have a go at your happy spot."

I blushed furiously as I clutched at Festos' chest to keep from being dropped on my butt. Kai's appearance had startled us both.

Festos stepped away from me, with a look of distaste at my neck. "Way too much info."

Kai was safe. I went almost lightheaded with relief. "Where were you?"

Kai glanced down, all sheepish. "I needed a nap."

"Ooh, big manly god needed a nap," Festos taunted.

"Says the guy who likes umbrella drinks," Kai shot back.

"One time. And I wasn't the one asking for seconds."

"Yeah," Kai nodded with a smirk, "but asking in a manly way."

I tuned them out as my initial relief turned to interest. My my, Kai had cleaned up nicely. Showered, shaved, poured into dark blue jeans that were faded with wear and fitted him perfectly, he was mouthwatering indeed.

Kai and Festos were still going at it. "... And there is such a thing as knocking," Festos groused.

"If you had better wards," Kai said, "then yeah, I'd have to knock. If Sophie's going to come visit, amp them up so she doesn't get hurt."

"She's fine from all monsters except the fat-headed uninvited one. I'll be changing the wards appropriately."

I found myself getting closer to Kai. I could smell the faintest hit of his musky cologne that made me tingle like a Pavlovian dog. Then I realized that Kai was holding something. "You brought me a flower?" I squinted at it. It was brown. "A dead flower?"

Kai laughed and held it out. "Not dead. Chocolate."

My face lit up in delight as I took the proffered gift. It was fantastic. A perfect chocolate daisy wrapped in clear plastic and tied with a bright yellow ribbon.

Festos came around to the side of us, hummed the Psycho violins and made a repeated stabbing motion. "Lest you forget," he said to me. He mouthed the word "murderer."

My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now