It All Comes Flooding Back (Part 1)

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Luckily, Jack had sent us to Festos' place and not to the moon or an underground submarine.

We had taken up residence in Festos' lounge.

The familiar surroundings and security made it easier for me to guilt trip my best friend. We needed to find Pierce and have Hannah declare her love to convince him to defy Aphrodite.

"How I feel about Pierce is irrelevant," Hannah protested. She sat on the rug, her arms wrapped around her knees. "I have no idea how to contact him." She turned to the guys. "Don't any of you know where he lives?" "Aphrodite banished him," Theo said. "He could be anywhere."

"She'll simmer down," Festos assured me from his spot beside Theo on the loveseat, "especially if Jack isn't running a stupid Sophie campaign."

"Of course he's not," I said, mostly certain. "I'm sure that was just to annoy her."

Kai perched on the back of the sofa. I leaned against his legs as he absently played with my hair. Just because I no longer felt compelled to touch him, didn't mean I didn't still enjoy it. Obviously, he felt the same.

Theo glanced at his watch. "Just under an hour. We may need to get you back to the meeting, give Aphrodite time to cool off, and approach her again in the morning."

I shook my head, incredibly frustrated. "Every second that I don't have Persephone's memories, that I don't know the ritual location? It's time that Zeus and Hades have to discover it for themselves and destroy it." I looked at Hannah. "You have to go all damsel in distress."

Her patent disbelief was highly entertaining. "What?"

"Scream. Call for Pierce as if your very life depended on it. Which, it kinda does."

Hannah crossed her arms. "That's one of the stupidest ideas I've ever heard."

"Kai," I turned to him. "Do you or do you not know when I'm in trouble?"

He nodded. "If I'm not unconscious? Yeah. I get this feeling."

Hannah huffed in dismissal. "That's because you two are bound together. Prophecy, the kiss, whatever."

"A curse," Theo added with a bright smile.

Festos shook his head. "Not an ounce of romance."

Kai smirked at Theo. "That's a major burn if Festos is admitting Sophie and I are romantic. Being as jealous of me as he is."

"Or he just doesn't like you," Theo said. "I don't."

"That's 'cause you're a pissy baby."

I doubted Theo and Kai were ever going to truly get along. I'd have to settle for "tolerate each other for my sake." I flung my arms out between them to push them back to their corners. "Fee."

He shot me a suspicious glance.

"You took up residence in Seattle knowing it was just close enough to where Theo was."

Festos scowled and laid his cane across his lap. "I keep telling you. I like Seattle."

Sure. "I bet you've known where Theo is this whole time. And I wouldn't be surprised if you kept tabs on him. Fess up."

Theo stared at Festos, dumbfounded. "Is this true?"

"Whatever." Festos waved him off.

"No." Theo leaned forward toward him. "Have you been keeping tabs on me?"

Festos shot me a glare of death. Then he turned to Theo with a stubborn chin tilt. "Yes. Going to get a restraining order now? Tell me I'm a stalker?"

He sounded so defensive. Looked so vulnerable. I felt a tiny pang of guilt at exposing Festos. But we had to find Pierce, and Hannah had to get with the program.

Festos was so stiff, he looked like he might snap waiting for Theo's answer.

But Theo did the last thing I ever expected. He leaned back and shrugged. "I knew where you were, too."

There was a collective gasp from Festos, Hannah, and me.

"Didn't see that coming," Kai muttered.

"Enough proof for you?" I asked Hannah. "No doubt, Pierce is very aware of you. And if he senses you're in trouble, he'll come running." I put my hands together in a begging motion. "Please. The worst that happens is you humiliate yourself. And god knows that would be a pleasant change between us."

"Fine," Hannah muttered. "I'll fake distress." She took a deep breath and straightened up. "Help," she mewled.

"I've had paper cuts eliciting more emotion," Festos said. "Again."

She glared at all of us and then let out a blood curdling scream that made us all jump.

Instantly, Pierce appeared. He lunged for Theo.

"No!" Hannah screeched.

Pierce grinned, his hand around Theo's neck. "No?"

"Very funny," I said.

Pierced laughed and dropped his hand. "It was, rather. Good scream." He moved to Hannah like a moth to a flame and sprawled on the ground beside her. "How about this? I'll give you my number, email, whatever for next time. Much easier on the vocal cords."

She narrowed her eyes at him and crossed her arms. With a bonus kick to my leg.

"Thank you for defying Aphrodite," I told Pierce.

"Haven't decided if I am." He cocked his head at Hannah. "Am I?"

My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now