Famous Last Words (Part 3)

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Festos removed the cotton ball from Kai's arm and pronounced him good to go.

"You boys have everything you need to start the wards?" I asked.

Festos nodded.

I glanced over at Theo's watch. "I gotta bolt. My meeting is in about ten minutes." I stood up.

Festos did, too. "I'll see you soon," he said gruffly.

I pulled him into a huge hug.

When we moved apart, Pierce gallantly kissed my hand. "Glad you came to your senses, love," he said with a wink.

I was going to miss them. But I had a feeling they'd show up at Hope Park soon. Like possibly tomorrow. "Let's go, gang."

"Yeah, I'm gonna hang with Pierce," Hannah said, far too casually, leaning back against Pierce's arm. "I'll catch up with you after the meeting."

I planted my hands on my hips. "Really? Well, you better return in the same condition I left you," I said. I glanced at Theo, but he didn't even bother to tell me he wasn't coming. Just looked at Festos with fond tolerance as Festos grabbed his hand and swung it merrily.

I cocked my head. "You're gonna feel horrible if I get kicked out and you two don't get to say goodbye."

"There's email," Hannah said. "And you won't get kicked out because I don't want another roommate. Now go. I'll see you later."

"I just won't feel bad, period," Theo joked.

"Heart you," Festos said to me, still swinging Theo's hand.

I grinned. "Heart you too, Fee."

Festos whacked Theo. "Tell her." Theo hesitated and Festos poked him. "Tell. Her."

"I'm proud of you, Soph."

"Really?" I lit up with a warm, happy smile.

Festos poked him again. Theo elbowed back. "Prometheus," Festos hissed.

Theo rolled his eyes. "And I love you."

"Copycat," Kai joked.

I clutched my heart and staggered back in disbelief.

"See?" Festos beamed. "Progress."

Theo nudged him with his knee. "I didn't say it to you."

Festos waved him off. "You will." Said with utter conviction.

I had a feeling that confession would happen sooner rather than later. Look at us, all getting our happy swoons.

I knew that in the history of teen lit and CW episodes everywhere, this just meant that monsters were about to crash the party, but I was determined to enjoy the moment while I could.

Bethany stopped? Check. Memories back? Check. Location acquired? Check. Warding underway? Check.

I could handle one little meeting.

And on that thought, I still had something very important to tell Kai once we were alone. I turned to him. "You're coming with me, right?"

He gave me that hot grin that made me shiver in delight. "Are you kidding? We've got nine minutes. You know what we can do in that time?"

Three cheers for scorching looks and letting him ravish me. Or me ravishing him. Because ravishing of boyfriends they loved? Totally in the job description of strong, modern chicks.

"Go, you fools," Festos commanded. "We'll get the ward started."

I blew him a kiss and took Kai's hand. "Home, Jeeves."

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