You're Beautiful (Part 2)

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I glanced around the gym, searching through the teens happily line dancing to some number that must have found its fifteen minutes while I was up in Olympus because I didn't know it. I spotted Principal Doucette chatting with some other teachers and waved for him to come over.

He nodded approvingly at my change in attire. "What can I help you ladies with?"

I pointed to Veronica. "Veronica says it's time for the crowning."

He glanced at his watch. "That's right."

"Thing is," I continued, "somehow there was no election."

He frowned. "I thought Bethany had won it."

"No sir," I said brightly. "She campaigned, but no one actually voted. What would you suggest we do?" See how team player I'm being here, Doucette?

"Doesn't matter," Veronica cut in. "Bethany is the only one running."

I shook my head, still smiling. Hoped it didn't look as forced as it felt. "I'm running. If there was no vote then there needs to be a new election. And I'm a candidate."

"You can't run," Veronica said flatly.

Doucette looked uncertain.

"Of course I can," I insisted. "I feel that it's important I take an interest in school activities." Oh, if they only knew the half of it.

Doucette thought things over while I crossed my fingers behind my back and hoped he went for it. Finally, he smiled. "Good for you, Sophie." He turned to Veronica. "My suggestion is that you have both Bethany and Sophie give a short speech right now, and may the best queen win."

I couldn't have phrased it better myself.

Veronica panicked. "I don't know where she is."

"Not my fault. She shouldn't get special treatment," I said.

Doucette nodded. "She has five minutes to get here. Otherwise, Sophie is up."

He left. Veronica and I stared at each other and then both of us took off in different directions, her for the door to the gym (and I guessed Bethany's room) and me to Kai.

I skidded to a stop in front of him. "Go flirt with Veronica." I shoved him. "Now."

He gave me an odd look but did as I asked and headed out after her.

I tried not to think about it. Or start running after him. I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling physical pain in my gut at the scenario I'd just organized.

Theo and Festos hurried into the gym after Kai had left.

"What the holy heck is going on?" Festos demanded. "Why is your boyfriend chatting up some trollop of a girl?"

"He's not my boyfriend," I responded, even as I started heading for Kai, unable to take it any longer.

Theo stopped me, firmly holding my wrists. "Don't make me pull out the chain."

I nodded and waited in miserable, tense silence until I heard the music cut out.

Kids groaned.

Doucette came on the mic. "Attention everyone. It's time for the crowning of the King and Queen."

King? I'd forgotten about that part. I racked my brain trying to remember who had been running, but as I'd missed the last two months, I came up short.

"Anil," Theo clarified for me.

Oh, brother.

"Since we seem to be lacking actual votes, we'll have our candidates come up and give a brief speech," said Doucette. "Then do a show of hands. Sophie?"

There were more than a few gasps when I took the stage. I searched the crowd for friendly faces. Hannah was currently being held hostage and Kai was outside flirting with Veronica, so that left Theo and Festos.

And Cassie. She stood in front with a large group of kids, grinning at me and giving me a thumbs up.

That helped a lot. I braced myself and took the mic.

The gym doors slammed open. Everyone turned to look.

Bethany stood there in all her glory. "No need for that. Your queen is here." She shoved through the crowd, sashayed her way onstage, and snatched the mic from my hands.

"You're finished, Bethany." I tried to grab the mic back, but she smiled and showed me her arm.

And the perfect tattoo still inked on it.

"Magic marker," she smirked. "Fitting, huh? You broke the lines of the original tattoo and killed the power. I restored it." She shoved me back and snapped her fingers. "Crown me."

"I'll get it from Veronica." Doucette hurried out of the gym to retrieve the crown as the students began chanting Bethany's name. Even Cassie.

Even, I noted with horror, Theo and Festos.

"Whatever Jack did to boost your power, he's just using you. He'll turn on you in the end."

Bethany laughed. "Jack didn't boost my power. He just showed me how to fully tap into what Delphyne gave me."

And thank you Jack for that poor decision-making.

"No," I yelled into the crowd. "She's forcing you. Fight it."

"I love you," Bethany crooned into the mic. "And you love being loved."

The entire glassy-eyed student body sighed as one.

"Adoration is wonderful," she said.

"It's not adoration. It's obsession," I retorted.

"So what?" She laughed. "It's a trip." Then she raised her arms and let loose her magic.

Even I staggered back against the onslaught of emotion. I felt incredible. And all I had to do to keep the joy was love Bethany.

I needed an outlet for my happiness. I craved Kai so badly, I'd walk through fire for him. I headed off-stage. My body trembled as I crossed the room with single-minded intent. Find Kai.

I wasn't the only one wanting to share the love. Kids had coupled up all over the place. I passed Theo and Festos making out.

As I reached the back of the gym, some spurned lover threw the first punch.

Uneasily, I felt like maybe there was something I should do about it. But then Kai entered the gym and all else failed to matter.

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