Untitled Part 73

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Like all songs, this one eventually ended.

I glanced up at Kai and our eyes met. Not in a sexy-time way. There was something deeper and more profound.


Yikes. So didn't want to think about all this.

So didn't have to. Because Theo and Festos showed up.

"Foyer," Theo said. "It's where Jack dumped us, probably where he'll pick us up."

I saw Doucette eyeing us so I made a point of fanning myself like I was really hot and needed a drink from the hall fountain. "Act casual so he doesn't suspect."

Although he probably had enough on his plate to overlook me leaving the gym.

I shot a quick glance at the clock as we exited. An hour until the meeting.

We made it to the foyer with no trouble and sure enough, once there, we blinked out.

It was over. We were back at Jack's house, out in the backyard this time. We stood on a teak deck, in a lounge area, defined by an outdoor rug woven in subtle blues and reds. The space was furnished with slate grey wicker patio furniture with green cushions. Jack's gauzy white curtains billowed out from the inside, fluttering softly in the breeze.

An intricately landscaped bamboo garden framed the deck.

"Congratulations," Jack said blandly, from his spot before a massive stainless steel BBQ. "You're the first to win my home edition of Endgame. Hot dog?" he asked, sauteing some onions on a small frypan on the grill.

My mouth started to water. But I wasn't here to eat. "Hannah. Where is she?"

"Not very polite, are you?" He rolled his eyes.

Hannah appeared in front of us, in her normal clothes. Theo and I rushed her for the biggest group hug imaginable.

"Like you better without the whole blade look, Saul," Theo joked. But I could tell from the fact he was still hugging her, how relieved he was.

Hannah disentangled herself. "Whatever are you weirdos talking about?"

That effectively killed the hug. Theo and I exchanged worried glances. Had Jack adiosed her memory?

I gave her an encouraging smile. "Endgame? You all trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey?"

"Plus the whole," Theo made a slicing motion across his neck as he and Festos made themselves at home on the psychopath's patio.

Kai stayed standing, propped casually against the frame of a chair but alert.

To my utter shock, Hannah glared at Jack, hands planted on her hips. "You are a terrible person."

"Hannah, baby, I'm a Trickster in name and in game, what did you expect?"

"You're better than that."

He shook his head, laughing, "No. I'm exactly that."

I nudged Hannah. "I'm confused," I whispered.

We squished in beside Theo and Festos.

"I don't know what you all thought you saw," she said, "but I've been here this whole time. Except for a few brief disappearances, Jack's been showing me all nature of terrible creatures while you completed some quest." Her eyes glowed with a scary fervor. "He even has a lion fish."

Jack beamed at her fondly. "Get some credentials, then come back and see me in ten years. With those looks and that passion, I'm gonna make a killing off you. You can have your own nature channel."

"See," Festos drawled, "he's not all bad."

"Nope," Hannah agreed cheerfully. "Just mostly."

"And then some," I added. Nice that they could move on, but I was firmly stuck in grudgesville. I shot Jack a dirty look. "You put us through all that and she wasn't even in danger? Why not?"

"Thanks, bestie," Hannah said.

"You know what I mean."

Kai spoke up this time. "What makes you angrier, Sophie? Believing your friend was in danger and then saving her? Or believing she was in danger, saving her, and then finding out she was fine all along? Jack lives for head trips."

Jack cut Kai an inscrutable glance.

Silly me. "I've got to stop taking anything gods say at face value," I muttered.

Jack flipped the dogs and shrugged with absolutely zero remorse.

"Gods and goddesses do like their games," Festos said, laying his cane across his lap.

Theo shifted to look at him. "Yeah? What's yours?"

Festos threw him a impish grin. "I play no games. I'm an innocent spectator."

Theo snorted. They shared a look.

Hannah nudged my leg. "Catch me up to date on that."

"Theo and Festos made out," I said, excited to share my superior gossip.

Hannah squealed.

"Brilliant," Theo said, leaning across Hannah and Festos to convey maximum displeasure my way.

I batted my eyelashes at him. "I think so."

Hannah took Festos' hand. "Tell me everything."

"Who's the best friend here?" Theo asked.

"Who's the gossip who'll spill all kinds of important info?" she countered.

Festos raised a hand. "That would be me."

Theo batted Festos' hand back down. "You are not using us as data."

Festos lit up at the use of the word "us."

"Already have." Hannah cheekily blew him a kiss and Theo sat back, defeated.

Jack put the onions and a toasted bun on a plate and added a perfectly grilled hot dog. He held the plate out to me, considering, then took it back and added a big squirt of Ketchup before once again presenting it to me.

I ignored him.

"Just eat already," Hannah said. "You know you want to."

"Maybe it's poisoned." I didn't really think so, but I didn't want to cave and fall on the food like an animal.

"I play fair," Jack replied as he handed it over. "You won. You're all safe now."

Festos and Theo refused his offer.

I turned to Jack. "Campaign." I ripped into the dog. Even if they were lips and assholes, I didn't care. These puppies were delish. "Kill it."

"Kai?" Jack asked, pointing to another dog.

Kai shook his head, watching the trickster with a wary expression.

Jack watched me eat in horrified fascination. "I'm starting a new reality show. Essentially a global eating contest. I think you'd make a great contestant."

I finished off the dog. "I've had enough of your games for a lifetime. Campaign?"

My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now