Famous Last Words (Part 2)

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Festos looked shocked. He pulled into himself, eyes dipping down. His hand faltered. "I thought ... I mean ..."

Hannah and I shot each other "WTF" looks because Theo was never an ass like this.

Festos furrowed his brow. He straightened up, his jaw tense. "Do what you want, Prometheus. I'm helping Sophie regardless."

"Ask me again. On the date."

Festos blinked at the insistence in Theo's voice.

I bit the insides of my cheeks to keep from grinning like a maniac because I could see where this was going.

Festos regarded Theo steadily. Theo waited, but said nothing.

Festos set down the plastic package. "Thesi, will you go out on a second date with me in exchange for my help?"

"No," Theo said.

I choked back the whoop of delight I had been about to give.

Kai smothered a laugh.

Hannah kicked Theo. Hard.

Pierce conjured an arrow. I could tell by the scowl on his face, that if he had to use it, he'd make sure it hurt.

Theo ignored everyone. He leaned in toward Festos and gripped his wrists. "I'm not going to go on a date with you to get your help. I'm going to go on a date with you because I want to. Really, really want to."

With that, Theo gently tugged Festos toward him and gave him a very sweet kiss.

Hannah and I jumped up, cheering and dancing.

Pierce nodded in approval. "Good men." The arrow disappeared.

Festos broke the kiss. He fanned himself with his fedora a few times. "Where was that on our first date?"

Theo got an absurdly prim look on his face. "I don't just give it up for anyone," he said. "You have to earn it." His expression softened. "And you did."

"You all make us work for it," Kai muttered. "You're a very high maintenance bunch."

I took my seat beside him, "accidentally" half-crushing him as I did.

Kai pulled me fully onto his lap. "Sit still. Festos has to stab you now."

Festos ripped open the package and removed a needle attached to a thin, rubber hose. The hose, in turn, was attached to a small rubber stopper.

Theo rooted around in the first aid kit, eventually freeing a glass vial, which he stopped up with the cork. "Did you remember who murdered Persephone?" he asked way too casually. "Was it Kai?"

"No, it was not," Kai growled.

"Thesi, doll," Festos said, motioning to the kit with his head, "get me the tourniquet."

I watched Theo. "I don't know who killed me. I never saw their face. But it wasn't Kai."

I knew now how he'd made Persephone feel. Felt his love for her firsthand. Kai would never have broken up with her, and certainly never hurt her.

And I was perfectly fine admitting it because I could feel how much he loved me. Right here. Right now.

"We can't rule him out," Theo said. He held the rubber band up to Festos. "Forearm?"

Festos nodded and Theo tied it tight around me. He peered at my arm, then briskly slapped a spot above the tourniquet.

"Yes," I said, firmly, "we can."

I felt Kai heave a sigh of relief. Wow. Didn't realize that had mattered so much to him.

"Try the little vein on the left there," Hannah said, who had joined in the examination.

A few more slaps and Theo poked the slightly raised vein. "Think we're good."

"Count of three," Festos told me. "One ..."

I winced as he stabbed me with the needle.

"All good?" Kai asked, watching with concern.

I flashed him a reassuring smile. "Yeah."

Once Festos had filled the vial with blood, he removed the needle. "Press that cotton ball to your arm," he instructed, again motioning to the kit.

He got up to dispose of the needle.

Theo cleared his throat pointedly and held out the cane.

They locked eyes, but Theo didn't let Festos argue. "Don't be an ass. You know it's harder when you don't use it."

Festos accepted the cane with a nod of thanks and limped back to the kitchen.

Hannah and I exchanged glances as Theo prepped the vial.

"I don't want to hear a word," he muttered, not bothering to glance up at us.

We just grinned.

I shifted off Kai, since it was his turn to have blood drawn.

Festos returned and began the process again with Kai. Just before he stabbed Kai he said, "No blasting the nice god here. You agreed to this."

Kai waved at him impatiently. "Get on with it."

"Hmm," Hannah said, watching Kai's blood fill the vial, "your blood oxygenates red."

Kai looked amused. "What color did you think it would be? Alien green?"

"I wouldn't have dared hypothesize," she said sweetly. She cut her eyes at Pierce. "I don't suppose," she began.

"No, love. You're not experimenting on me." He kissed the tip of her nose fondly.

"We'll work on that," she muttered.

My Date From Hell (The Blooming Goddess Trilogy, #2)Where stories live. Discover now