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In the spare room, where Leo continues to lie down, the window doors begin to creak open as a Caucasian-American National Guard Soldier quietly sneaks in and walks over to Leo, tapping his neck and causing Leo to squirm in fear, before the National Guard Soldier calms him down and shushes him.

National Guard Soldier # 4: (quietly) Get up.

The National Guard soldier stands Leo up and sneaks him out the window to the outside of the hotel, before speaking to him.

National Guard Soldier # 4: Listen to me....I want you to get out of here.....Run...get as far away from here and don't stop....Please.

Leo: (quietly and crying) Thank you...

National Guard Soldier # 4: Thank me by heeding my advice and running. Right now. Run.

Leo sprints away from the hotel. After Leo escapes, the National Guard soldier closes the window. In the lobby, Cross quietly speaks to Ford.

Cross: Now as far as who it is, I can tell who it's not. The black bitch who was praying. She's clean. It's not her.....and you can scratch off the Jew, too. He's got too much of a good alliby with him about to be a father.

Ford: What? The fucking diva with the prayer with the Cleopatra haircut? 

Cross: Maw, nigga, I know a good Christian outlook when I see one. It's not her....however, we've got two motherfuckers playing dead right now. I don't want to turn this into another black lives matter shitstorm with all that Freddie Gray fuckery happening in the city, so let's leave brotha-man be. However, I think that big mexican cocksucker who was giving us shit earlier about the dead faggot. He'll fit the bill perfectly. That way, it doesn't turn into a whole big fucking black and white thing. We might get an uprising out of some boarder jumpers, but if you ask me; an arrested Mexican is better than a dead Mexican, you feel me?

Ford: Alright. Let's do it.

Cross enters the spare room to find it empty, before he enters looking around.

Cross: (quietly) Peter....

Ford enters the room and closes the door.

Ford: (quietly) You gotta kidding me....how did he...

Cross looks under the bed and closet.

Cross: (quietly) Motherfucker!

Cross slams the closet door.

Ford: (quietly) Jonathan! Hey! Easy! Easy!

Cross calms himself.

Cross: (quietly) Son of a bitch escaped.....

Ford: (quietly) I know....I'm calling additional units in the area to find him.

Ford prepares to speak into his radio, but Cross raises his hand.

Cross: (quietly) No, no, no. Let him go. We need to let the others out there think he's dead....we gotta keep em scared....

Ford: (quietly) We're gonna need another one.

Cross: (quietly) I know...

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