Patrol Time!

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It definitely not 1am as I start to work on this ;) I'm totally not sleep deprived or mentally broken... Anyway story time

~Same night~
Raven POV:

Running across roof tops, our young vigilante is having a slow night. That's good because that means there's less crime happening and that means he has less work. Even so, Izuku still had this gut feeling that something was going to happen. He learned the hard way to never ignore a gut feeling, he has the scars to prove it.

Flash back 2 year ago:

'Why won't he leave me alone?!' The year old vigilante screamed in his head. He was currently running away from Endawhore and just couldn't get him off his trail. He shouldn't have ignored his gut feeling to not go out early today. He's so useless! Such a Deku! The sun had just gone down so he didn't have to worry about to many causalities, but that isn't your biggest concern when the Number 2 hero is hot on your tail. (No pun intended)

"SHIT!" He wasn't paying attention to where he was going and now he's cornered in an alley. Just his luck, no fire escapes. He turns to face the quickly approaching "Hero".

"I got you now, damn villain" He snarled at me. I can't escape this unharmed! I can either try to fight or bluff and both have low success rates. Welp, time to get burned to a crisp.

"Endeavor, what are you doing?" A voice calls from behind him, he sounds around my age. Endawhore steps to the side to show the figure behind him, showing a boy with half white half read hair and a scar on his right side. Shoto Todoroki, the youngest son of this flaming trash.

"Shoto! You finally decided to join me?" The trash asks his youngest son. He just nods and response and turns to look at with determined posture, with pity in his eyes. I get why he's here! He saw his father chasing me and he's try to help me escape! Thank god!

"Who is he, Father? I've never seen him before and I didn't see him doing any crimes on TV," Shoto questions while turning to his father.

"He's a god damn villain, that's what he is" He answers harshly. God I hate this guy.

"But what did he do? There has to be a crime he did to call him a villain," Shoto explains to his father trying to distract him, which was useless if he was in front of the only exit. Still I crept forward slowly, getting ready to slip past him.

"Well he goes around doing the Pro's job and most likely with a quirk. Either way he's clearly a villain" Endawhore explains horribly to his son. He takes a step towards his son taking his attention off my for a second. Now! I dash past them as fast as I could and ran for my life, but not quick enough. A burning sensation filled his back and he heard the burning trash call after him. He doesn't remember anything else except for the scorching pain and fear of dying. An emotion he hadn't felt in a long time and never hoped to feel again.


Izuku shook his head to clear the memory as he heard a scream in a distant ally. Quickly the young vigilante ran across the roof tops going fairly quickly and quietly as he approached the ally. His gut feeling was telling him to run as he saw what was in the ally.

"God fucking damn it! I shouldn't have befriended that god damn rat!"


609 words

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