Why? - ( Only You.)

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Rose grabbed the gun and scan it. She never hold a gun. Then, Jimin saw it. He rush to her and snatched the gun from her.
"Did you just snatched it from me??" Rose asked.
"I wouldn't let you hold it. It dangerous." said Jimin. Rose scoffed.
"I will hold it one day. What if you in danger?" Rose asked.
"I can take care of myself." said Jimin.

Rose rolled her eyes.
"Are you worried?" Jimin asked as he smirked at her.
"W-What? No way." said Rose. But, she didn't realised that her cheeks is red.
"Really? Then, why you blushing?" Jimin asked.
"I'm not!!!" yelled Rose. Jimin chuckles an this eyes landed on Taehyung. He staring at his paper. Probably thinking about Jennie.

He sigh and went to him.
"You okay?" Jimin asked. Taehyung let out a heavy sigh.
"No. I'm thinking where they hide Jennie?" Taehyung said.
"It must be near here." said Jimin.
"No way. If they're near here, Namjoon already can detect them." said Taehyung.
"What the point is, Jennie bring her locket with her. " said Taehyung.

Locket?? Wait...

"Yah, last night. I heard you give her a new locket, right?" Jimin asked. Rose heard it and join the talk.
"Yeah, I heard it." said Rose.
"Yes. I give her a new locket. Why?" Taehyung asked.
"Then, you also give your necklace to her and you put it with the locket. Right?" Jimin asked.
"Then?" Taehyung asked. Jimin stare at Rose and Taehyung frowned.

He look down.

I give it to her and I ask her not to take it o-

Taehyung eyes become widen as he remember something.
"Hyung!! Detect Jennie now!!" said Taehyung.
"How? We even don't-" he being cut by Tae.
"I put a chip in her necklace that I gave. You can detect her!!" said Taehyung. Namjoon gasp.
"Really!!??" Namjoon asked. He nods. That's why Taehyung asked her not to take it off. He use it so that he know where us Jennie.

Jimin flip his hair.
"Thanks to me." said Jimin.
"No. Thanks to Taehyung. If he didn't give it to Jennie, we can't find her." said Rose. Jimin rolled his eyes.

Jennie look down as she can't believe that her parents hide it from her.
"What you mean by...our father is inventor?" Jennie asked.
"There is one secret room at out basement. That room is where our father build or make a gadget that really useful. It really good. But, William use it for a bad things. He ask for more but our father didn't want it. So, William treat him and tell him that if he didn't want it, he will kill all of us. " said Jungkook.
"Is that...the reasons why our parents died?" Jennie asked.

Jungkook nods.
"After he know that we still alive, he try to kill us and get the key. He try to take all of the gadgets but that door is lock and only can be open with one key. That is...a golden key that you hold." said Jungkook.
"But..why Appa give it to me?" Jennie asked.
"Because no one knows that you are exist. App and Eomma hide you. So, they give it to you. Soon, William check it all, he finally know about you." said Jungkook.

So...I was hidden...

"Jennie, destroyed the room. Only that way to stop William." said Jungkook. Jennie look down.


Namjoon eyes become wide.
"Um..Tae." said Namjoon.
"What is it? What's wrong??" Taehyung asked.
"I think...Jennie take it off." said Namjoon.

Taehyung eyes become wide.
"W-What you mean she take it off?" Taehyung asked.
"I can't detect her. It gone." said Jennie. Taehyung shake his head and sit. He try to tell himself that Jennie is okay.
"Tae, you okay?" Namjoon asked.
"Why...Why she take it off?" Taehyung asked. 
"Probably, Jennie do it on purpose." said Namjoon.

What are you doing, Jen?

Taehyung ruffled his hair. Then, something hit him.
"Hyung, do you still have Jennie old house location??" Taehyung asked.
"I have. Why?" Namjoon asked.
"We going there." said Taehyung as he walked away.
"Why?" Namjoon asked. He stop walking.

"William will go there...because that's what he want."


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