Petra Mayakovsky

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"Good, very good" footsteps echoed in the empty library "to be honest I didn't think you had it in you". The shoes creaked when he lifted them up from the floor. "What a cheap shot" Petra thought to herself, her head hung low "dude can't even get himself shoes that don't sound like new-born toads" the last part made her laugh, she really did come up with some weird thoughts sometimes. Like the time she'd imagined her little spell-finding, chocolate-covered minions, and once she'd imagined Professor Hell with horns and and tail ending in an arrow while she was surrounded by fire, laughing hysterically ('Hell' what kind of a last name is that?)

Immersed in her thoughts Petra hadn't realized that she was staring directly at the shoes. "Not missing the school, are we now Ms. Cobb? Or should I say Petra?".  Petra realized that she did miss the school a little. It's hallways and libraries and swimming pools somewhat became like a home (she hated how creaky shoes knew her so well). The professors would often ask her if she was going home for the vacations and she'd always say that she was staying behind in school. Primarily to look for the spell, but mostly because she didn't have a home. This library was her birthplace (not that she 'took birth',  she was created) but at least the school was better than this. Petra finally looked up at the empty library, the books were all gone, the shelves were empty and broken, cobwebs hung from the ceiling, there was a stale smell of old cereal wafting about it in the air and a relatively big, peach-coloured fire burning in the centre of it all. "What a perfect balance of peace and chaos" Petra thought to herself. 

"The time has come little mortal" Petra shifted her gaze to a tall man standing in the shadows. Disgustingly handsome, is what you would call him. Wavy locks hung from his head, striking hazel eyes with a piercing gaze, spindly long legs ending in those squeaky polished shoes with equally long arms wrapped in a shiny blue blazer. He could almost come over as a character from a Tim Burton animation. His face was an unshaven mess, he looked like he hadn't slept in months or even years. 

"Come, come to me" he gestured Petra to come forward and so she did. She was intimidated by his grace and how perfectly he pulled off his pathetic appearance. "Chaos" she kept repeating in her head "he's just a beautiful chaotic mess". She went and stood beside him, very numb, a little anxious. "Look, its calling us" he pointed at the fire and then looked at Petra almost asking her what he should do next. Silence. "Mr. Irvin, what do you intend to do with the knowledge of the spell I found in school?" Mr. Irvin sighed. Walking to a shelf he picked up a notebook "y'know all the time you were gone, I was trying to find a spell that would give me the amount of power I really wanted. Turns out, there's no spell in existence that can provide me with so much power so I went to the library" then he laughed "oh yeah the library was fun, its been a while since I've been to a library" then suddenly his expression changed, he looked at Petra with a murderous glint in his eyes "y'know what I found there?" he asked "I found a book of ancient magic. I felt bad that a book of such knowledge resided in such a boring place for so long and that too without any use." He opened the book and pointed to a page. "Did you know the magicians in the 1500s used to have a spell where they could chop off the hands of the people whom they hated and make it work for them. Imagine never needing another person's help ever again!" by the time he said that his voice had risen to a high-pitched scream making Petra take a few steps back, then he sighed and took Petra's hands holding them as if they were newly blossoming lotus petals "but I don't need that" he looked into her eyes while she turned a dangerous shade of red at a very fast pace "I need you". He began to flip the pages of the notebook, almost as if he was hesitant for what was about to take place. "I like your mortal form, you're very beautiful y'know" he said tracing a finger along her cheek, Petra smiled. "He's never praised me like that before" she thought to herself. "But I liked you better when you when your true immortal and powerful self" he stopped. Then it all happened so quickly that Petra had no time to react.

Shackles from every corner of the library shot out towards her. It entrapped her in a mess of metal and agony. She screamed and thrashed wildly, pulling at the chains with every ounce of strength she had in her body. "IT'S NO USE" he screamed above the noise of the rattling chains and Petra's screams of terror "THOSE ARE ENCHANTED, YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO FREE YOURSELF". Then he began a mind-numbing chant. He kept saying the verses of the chant over and over and over again until it generated so much energy that he began to radiate a strong dark violet glow. Petra began to thrash violently in her place. 

"I will take your energy and you will be nothing but a memory, you are nothing compared to me. You have served your purpose and now its time for me to seek my revenge." 

Her bones ached to the core. She knew what was about to happen and she wanted it to stop. She thrashed wildly. She screamed and cried but it was of no use.

"YOU OWE ME THIS. YOU ARE MY CREATION. YOU ABIDE BY MY RULES" Irvin raged, the violet glow almost blinding Petra. "STOP" Petra screamed back. Her body began to ache, the surroundings closed in on her and a loud whistling took over her hearing "someone help me" she begged "please he's going to take away whatever I have."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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