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"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known
When I was young and dreamed of glory."

THE GIRL'S EYES FILLED WITH FEAR as Genevieve pointed her pistol at her

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THE GIRL'S EYES FILLED WITH FEAR as Genevieve pointed her pistol at her. Eyes adjusting to the light, Genevieve saw how young the girl was. She couldn't be older than 18. This was no threat. She lowered the gun slowly.

"Il ny rien ici." The girl said. French. "Nous n'avonsrien pour vous. S'il vous plaît."

(There is nothing here. We have nothing for you. Please.)

In her line of work, Genevieve had learned many languages. She wasn't completely fluent in some, but french was one of her strong suits.

"C'est D'accord." Genevieve said. "Nous ne sommes pas là pour te faire du mal, chérie."

(It's alright. We're not here to hurt you sweetie.)

Schofield looked at her in surprise.

"You speak french?" He said.

"I speak nine languages." She replied. "Ten if you count Latin. But I don't."

"...Anglais." He knew a few words. "Not German. Friends... I'm a friend."

Genevieve knelt down and beckoned the girl closer. But she still seemed hesitant. Genevieve took off her helmet and let her hair show, peaking her head further into the light. The girl seemed surprised.

"Une femme soldat?" The girl asked.

(A female soldier?)

"Paz assez." Genevieve smiled at her. "Je m'appelle Genevieve. C'est Schofield. Comment tu t'appelles?"

(Not quite. My name is Genevieve. This is Schofield. What's your name?)

"Lauri." The girl replies, finally coming closer to them.

"This place, this town." Schofield looked around. "Ecoust? uh... C'est Ecoust?"

"Oui." Lauri nodded.

"We made it." Schofield looked at Genevieve, relieved.

"Ou sont les autres?" Lauri asked.

(Where are the others?)

"She's asking where the others are." Genevieve frowned.

"Others?" he looked at Lauri. "No. Just us. We need to be somewhere. We need to find a wood to the South East?"

Lauri looked at him blankly then turned the Genevieve.

"Nous devons trouver un bois au sud-est." Genevieve translated. "sais-tu où est-ce que c'est?"

(We need to find a wood to the South east. Do you know where that is?)

Lauri frowned, searching her memory.

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