All It takes is One Bad Day

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"YOU STUPID BITCH!" My father smacks me in my face knocking me to the ground. I screamed out in pain as I felt the stinging sensation on my face. "If you wasn't born then your mother and I wouldn't be in such a mess! It's all your fault! I don't understand why do mama and papa hate me so much, what did I do? I sat there and sobbed my eyes out. Fear overtaking my body so I couldn't move. Where are the heroes? Why arent the coming to save me? Aren't the heroes supposed to save people in trouble? "I know what to do." I looked up towards my father to see his wicked smile. I looked over to my mother to see her walking towards us like a predator stalking prey. " If you're gone then your father and I can go back to our normal lives and be happy again." I look down at my mothers hands noticing the sharp blade of a knife. I was about to run away when I felt my father grab my legs to keep my from running. "Now, Now sweetie we can't have you running off now can we?" My father said with a sinister laugh. No this can't be happening Mama and Papa wouldn't kill me. I know they have to love me. All of a sudden I was pulled back towards then now laying on my back. I watched as my mother slowly glide the knife up my side. The pain was unbearable. I could feel the blood slowly leak out. This is it I'm going to die. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain to stop but then something happened. I felt my body change. The next thing i knew I had sharp fangs and claws. Is this my quirk? Did it just awaken? With my new weapons I scratched at the two of them cutting their arms with my claws. My mother dropped the knife while her and my father held their arm in pain. This is my chance I need to run now! With that I ran towards the door and swung it opened. I ran and ran without looking back, not even as my parents yelled for me to come back. As I began to slow down I ran down a dark alley to rest. I was feeling lightheaded like I could fall at any moments. I sat down on the floor leaning my head agains the stone, cold wall. Did I fight for nothing? Is this where I'm going to die. Just as I began to shut my eyes a voice caused me to look up. "Hello there child, are you lost?" Putting my head down to my knees I answered his question with a nod. "Well if your all alone, let me take you somewhere to get you fixed up." The man brought his hand down waiting for me to grab it. At first I was hesitant because he was a stranger and scary looking. Putting my fears aside i grabbed onto his hand. The man then pulled me up carrying me to an unknown place. "Excuse me sir?" The man hummed letting me know that he was listening. "Who are you?" I looked up at him as I begin to feel my eyelids close. "You can call me... All For One."

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