The End For Now

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I stood outside the portal and watch it as it slowly closed in front of me. Tears of frustration came out of my eyes. Everyone began to stir, regaining consciousness, but I didn't care. My father is now gone the one man who took me in was now gone. I continued to cry until I felt a hand on my shoulder. Looking to see who it, I see Touya standing over me, giving me a concerned look. Not able to hold back I stood up and wrapped my arms around his waist. He was shocked at my actions for a second but he put his arms around and rested his chin on my head. Touya held me tight as I cried into his chest not caring if I got his shirt a little wet. When I calmed down enough I let him go but Touya kept my hand in his still sqeezing it tight to comfort me. "Tomura." I called out to my brother who was still upset that we had to leave our master behind. "You know what has to be done." Tomura picked up his head and looked around at what's left of the League of Villians. I nod my head to him giving him my full support while the rest of the group looked at him in silence. "(Y/n)...Dabi... Twice...Toga... Kurogiri... Spinner...and Magne. We are the last of the League of Villians but our goal is still the same. Our mission is to kill the Symbol of Peace, All Might, and destroy the hero society." Tomura turned around with his back facing us before looking at the night sky filled with stars. "Together, we will destroy the heroes!" Everyone cheered in excitement at the thought of us taking down the hero society. While everyone was distracted, Touya pulled me behind the rest of the group wanting to speak to me. When we were far enough Touya stopped and looked at me. It was hard to read is face because he was good at hiding his emotions. What happened next caught me completely off guard. Touya leaned down and pressed his lips making my eyes go wide until I decided to kiss him back. The texture of his lips from his scars felt good on my lips. After a few more seconds of kissing Touya pulled away and looked me in the eyes with a loving and lust filled expression. "(Y/n) ever since we met... You showed me that I should appreciate the little things we have. Watching you fight the heroes and having your own convictions on what the hero society should be is what made me start to...have feelings for you." My cheeks grew hot at Touya's words. I've never had someone tell me these things before, it made me feel special. Not knowing what to say I decided to reach up and peck his lips. Touya got the idea and put his forehead to mine while holding me close. "Awww you two remind me of one couple from America that robbed all those places." Toga interrupted placing a finger on her lip trying to remember who was the couple. "You mean Bonnie and Clyde." Kurogiri answerd for Toga. We all laughed a little at her childish ways before Tomura spoke up. " better take care of my sister." Touya looked up a Tomura and gave him a sly smirk. "Don't worry about a thing. (Y/n) is in good hands." Touya wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me to him. Everyone began to turn around to follow Tomura to another location for our new hideout. Touya reached his hand out to me. "Lets go take down these heroes together." I looked at Touya and smiled at his words. "Lets do this." Reaching my hand out, I grabbed onto Touya's hand as he pulled me up to him so that we could catch up with the others. My master, my father gave me one last mission before we parted ways. That was to protect my brother and aid him to become the new leader of the underworld. Now that I have Touya by my side, along with the rest of the league, I know that we can do it. The next time us and the heroes face off we will win and take over.

Author's Note:
Thank you all sooo much for the support on my story! 😊 However this isn't a goodbye to Dabi and the League of Villains yet. I do plan on making a Part two of the series that will cover season 4 and the Manga! Don't forget to check out my Kirishima x reader along with my Bakugo x reader! I'm also in the works of making a Todoroki x reader that will be released soon! Until next time 💙💙💙

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