The Meeting

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That stupid man! He has no right to challenge me like that! I was beginning to rant to myself as I came upon the doors of the hideout. Still mad I decided to kick the door open. When I kicked the door open, what I saw made my rage boil over. There he was. Dabi... "(Y/n), it's about time you make it." I looked over to my brother demanding an explanation for this. "I already told you some of Stains followers wants to join our league. Everyone this is (y/n) my sister, you probably know her as Ghost Blade though." I slamed the door shut and a blonde girl came up to me with a smile on her face. "Hey your kinda cute. I wonder what your blood will look as it's dripping down your skin." She let out a creepy giggle before skipping away to the bar. "Hey there dollface, nice to see you again." I turned around and gave Dabi a glare. "You have some nerve coming here after picking a fight with me in the alley... Tell me why I shouldn't slash your throat right now." Dabi looked at me with an intrigued look in his eyes. "What do you expect? I meet the famous assassin who always gets the job done. I had to see what she's made of for myself." I felt the anger grow in me. I began to stalk towards him ready to take him out when I felt Tomura put all his fingers except his thumb on my shoulder telling me not to do it. I nod my head and backed up slowly standing next to my brother. "Now that I have your guys full corporation, I expect for you to follow my lead if not... I'll just have (y/n) kill you, understood?" Tomura looked over at them making the last part sound like a promise instead of a threat. I would be more then happy to kill of anyone that is deemed a threat. All For One and Tomura are like a family to me. They are the only people that matter. "Sounds good to us." A lizard man spoke up. "Good, there are rooms in the back for u to sleep in. Go make yourselves at home." With that everyone left to their rooms including me. I need to rest today was a long day. "Wassup dollface." Great him again.

Dabi Pov

I went to the back to pick out my room. At least this place gives you a place to sleep and there is a bar so that's a plus. As I was walking to the closest room I saw (y/n) walk into what seemed to her room. "Wassup dollface." I watched as she let out a sigh and rolled her eyes when she realized it was me. "What do you want now?" I could hear the irritation in her voice. She really doesn't like me huh. It's weird that she ended up becoming an assassin for the biggest villain in history. I wonder... what's her story?" I just thought since we're going to be working together we should get to know each other...So how did you end up in a dump like this." She folded her arms across her chest and let out a sigh. "Look Dabi, I'm not interested in getting to know any of you. My loyalty lies with All For One and Chapstick." Wow shes almost a lone wolf. She'll do anything for them... This is honestly... interesting. "And why is the dollface?" She just starred at me. This time with a hint of sadness in her face. I can tell she must of had a rough begining. Judging by that scar on her side I saw during our fight, she went through hell as a kid. That scar was really old but it must've been deep to leave a lasting mark like that. "It's because...All For One saved my life." All For One saved her? I didn't think he was capable of compassion with all the rumors I heard were about him being ruthless. (Y/n) proceeded to close the door to her room but before she could I stopped it. She whipped her head at me in shock, not ready for the sudden out burst. "Listen don't need to hide anything we all have are dark past. That's why we became villains in the first place." I looked at her face she seemed to be thinking hard about my words. "What's your story then?" I stood there in silence for a moment not knowing what to say. I don't know her well enough to tell her my secret yet. I need to be able to trust her first. "Well dollface that's for another time... Go get some sleep, it's getting late." With that I left her alone, heading to my room.

(Y/n) POV

Why is that guy so interested in me? I thought to myself before heading towards my bed. As I sat on my bed I turned on the news, listening to what's going on. "Breaking news... reports of the infamous villain assassin known as Ghost Blade are still on arise, leaving investigators and the heroes at a lost." I smiled to myself knowing that my presence are leaving an impact on the heroes. "It is said that the assassin leaves the crime scene so clean that there is no evidence to be found not even the suspects scent can't be found..." As the news lady keep talking I went to my closet to pick out something to sleep in. Finding a pair of shorts and a tank top to wear, I slipped them on and went over to my mini fridge to grab a soda before sitting at my desk. I began coming up with strategies to aid us in our goal of taking over hero society. This makes it more difficult with All Might still in the picture. However thanks to my quirk I watched over All Might. I found out that he is getting weaker ever sense he gave One For All to that kid. After giving the information to All For One he told me to wait for further instructions and follow Shigaraki's lead until then. Hmm I wonder what the boss has in place for taking out the symbol of peace. My grin widen as I thought of the ways that we could kill All Might. "This will be fun."

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