The Start

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15 years later

It's been years since All For One rescued me from the alley. It's funny, a villian comes to my aid instead of the heroes. The ones who are supposed to protect the people, didn't save me. Shortly after All For One saved me he saved a another boy and gave him the name Tomura Shigaraki, you can say he's like a brother to me. I decided to keep my name but to others they know me as Ghost Blade. When All For One took me in, he trained me to be efficient in hand to hand combat and taught me how to use many different types of knives and swords. He said I shouldn't relay on my quirk for every fight. After I was fully trained I began going on missions for All For One assassinating anyone who stands in our way. I got my code name Ghost Blade because all that's left at the scene are slash marks on the victim. Almost as if they were killed a spirit. "Hey, (y/n)." I looked over at my brother Tomura. "What is it dry ass." He gave me a glare not liking my nickname for him. "I thought I told you not to call me that." He said in his usual rasped voice. "Yeah yeah whatever, what do you want." He let out a sigh and looked at his cup taking a drink. "You guys fight like children. You need to mature." Kurogiri scolded us. "(Y/n) take a look at this." A video of the infamous Hero Killer popped up on his phone. I was intrigued by his words. What he said makes sense. Todays heroes don't care for saving lives. They just want to do it for the fame and money. All might is the only true hero in today's world. "Yeah what about it?" I said taking a sip of my drink letting the alcohol burn my throat. "I tried to get him on our side but he declined now hes been sent to prison for all the heroes he killed, but because of his impacts some of his followers wants to come meet us, to join the league." I almost coughed up my drink hearing this. What we actually have people who want to join us. "Well that's good, we need more numbers if we want to reach our goal of taking down hero society." I said taking more sips of my drink. Tomura began to scratch at his neck. He does this everytime he gets irritated. Letting out a sigh I asked him what's wrong. "You know how I feel about people wanting to join the league." Thats right if someone disobeys or if things don't go his way he gets irritated. "That's alright if they don't want to listen or try anything funny...I'll have to cut them up with my blades." I said with a sadistic grin and an evil look in my eyes pulling out one of knives and sticking it in the table. "We can't have that." Kurogiri spoke up. "As (y/n) said we need more people if we want to make our mission possible." He told us while whipping down a shot glass. "Whatever. Their coming in a little while. Be prepared." Tomura said before standing up and walking to the back of the hideout. "I'm going out." I told Kurogiri before standing up to walk out of the hide out. "Make sure you don't run into any heroes." Kurogiri told me before I walked away shutting the door.
The cold night air felt good against my warm skin. It was quiet. I pulled my hood over my head and put on my mask covering my mouth and nose. I begin walking down the street ignoring everything around me. I will bring down the hero society and then I will expose the heroes for what they truly are. A bunch of fakes. Hours went by and I was starting to get tired. I decided to go back to the hideout when a voice stopped me in my tracks. "It's a little dangerous to be out here by yourself dollface." I pulled out my knives ready to throw at the unknown man. When he started to mobe closer I quickly turned and threw one of my knives. But to my surprise he moved his head to side and dodged it. "Woah there dollface, you should be careful you could really kill someone with those." His sarcasm made me narrow my eyes in anger. Who the hell does he think he is. I have to admit he has some skills skills to be able to dodge my knife like that. "Guessing by your skills you must be the famous Ghost Blade I've been hearing about. Pleasure to meet you." He said pulling out my knife from the wall. Just as he grabbed my knife he throw it at me but I caught it with ease. I have to keep my guard up I don't know his quirk or what he is capable off. "Lets see if you can dodge this!" Just as he finished that sentence a flash of blue flames hurling at me. I could feel the heat even though the flames weren't close to me yet. Before I could be burned alive I turned into a hawk and flew up narrowly escaping the mans flames. When the flames died down I landed back on the ground ready to attack. "I expected nothing less." I watched as he stood there lost in thought. "Well now I know how you are able to escape from the crime scene so fast and not get caught." He gave himself a smile then turn arounf to leave. "It was nice playing with you but I should really get going I have somewhere to be so I'll see you around." I stopped him by grabbing his jacket before he could walk off. He looked back at me in shock waiting for me to do something. "Just who are you?" I asked him. He turned into the direction he was gonna walk away to. "The names Dabi. I really have to go but we'll run into each other soon dollface. Don't miss me too much." With that Dabi vanished into the shadows of the alley. I was about to go after him when I heard police sirens in the distance. Shit someone must have reported to the cops. I need to get out of here. Right as the police came rushing into the alley, I turned myself into a cat and walked passed them as if nothing happened. One question played my mind as I was walking back to the the hideout. Who is Dabi?

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