Born or Made

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It was a cold night. The wind was blowing through my hair as I walked down the quiet street. All for one gave me a job to take out a small time hero because he's been spying on out hideout for a few weeks now. As I was walking I could feel the presence of someone watching me. I pretended to not notice and walked down the next alley. I need to lure this person and attack. As I walked down the alley I came to a stop at the dead end and waited for them to approach. "Well looks like I cornered the famous Ghost Blade. Now I can take you down." I looked over my shoulder to see the Eye- Gun Hero known as X-Less. His quirk lets him shoot a laser out of his right eye. This should be easy. I turned around fully ready to face him. My calm demeanor seemed to irritate him then he sent a hoard of lasers straight at me. I moved through the lasers and run out to him dodging him with ease. When I got closer i jumped sending my knee into his chin. X-Less was sent back by my kick knocking him down on the ground and caused him to groan from the impact. "You're pretty strong. Makes me wonder what quirk you have." I just glared at him as I walked up to the pro hero taking out my blade to finish the job. Before I could land the strike with my blade X-Less sent a laser straight to me. As the laser came closer to me I used my blade to reflect it and send it into the wall next to us. Nothing but shock was written on the pro hero's face and he put his head down facing the ground. "Tell me something." X-Less asked me. I pulled back my blade to my side and wait for him to continue. "You much skill...why do you use it to kill innocent lives?" Looking down at this man I could see nothing but confusion on his face. He wants to know why people do evil. "Do you think people are born evil or they made evil?" Confusion was on his face as I asked him that question. X-Less was lost in thought. "There's no such thing as being born evil. We were all innocent children at one point but then there was a change. That change whether it was traumatic or not leaves you with two choices." I raised up my sword to brought the tip of my blade to his throat. "You either get over it and move on like nothing happened keep holding that within you and that pain will give you motivation to make a change. The reason why I'm doing is because heroes are nothing but fakes. I want to change the hero society one where heroes care about other instead of fame and money." The memories of my parents came back to my mind. Everyone saw that I was hurting. That night wasn't the only time they've attacked me. I use to go to school with bruises and cuts on my body. I was underweight compared to the rest of kids but no one helped me. No teachers. No heroes. No parents. I was all alone with no one not until All For One the most evil villain in history came to my rescue. That's when I realized that the heroes aren't the ones we see on TV but are the ones who choose to lend out a hand to someone in need. "But still even if you're doing all this for a good're still killing innocent people!" X-Less is breathing heavy at this point he must have used up a lot of his power. He is a small time hero so he's not all that strong. "I don't need the likes of you to tell me who is and isn't innocent. I can make my own judgment...with that said." I brought my blade up higher for my attack. "This is the end for you." With that I brought my blade across his neck slicing it. The blood came splattering out hitting everything it could touch including me. If he wasn't spying on his he could've lived longer. I felt a little sad for killing him but my mission was to dispose of the spy and what is done is done. I put my blade away and began to walking away from the scene. "That was some speech you had dollface." I looked up to where the voice was coming from and there sitting on the edge of the roof was Dabi. I smiled a little happy to see him. "What? You don't like my little speech." I asked Dabi with a smirk. "Nah you're right though...everyone starts off innocent until they see the unfairness of the world." Me and Dabi has gotten closer over the past few days. Ever since that day at the park me and Dabi spent time together goofing off and going on small missions together. I've grown attached to him. He's one of my few people I would call a friend. "If you're done with criticizing me let's head back to the hideout." I called out to him. Dabi jumped down from the roof and landed beside me. The walk back was quiet but it was a comfortable quiet. "Here." I looked over to see Dabi handing me a small box. "What's this?" I questioned him. It's not like him to just give me or anyone else anything. "Just open it." Dabi said as he turned away from me. I just nodded and went to open the box. When I opened the box my eyes widen in shock. In the box was a silver necklace with a blue flame on the end of it. The silver chain sparkled in the moonlight. It was so pretty that I couldn't take me eyes off of it. "I don't know...what to say." I was completely taken back from the gift. Dabi took the necklace from my hand and moved behind me to put the necklace around my neck. "Listen (y/n). I'm not the one to express my feelings to other people but working with you and getting to know you better I started to actually care about you a lot." This is the first time I seen Dabi act this way. I could feel heat come to my cheeks from his actions. I gave Dabi a small smile and grabbed his hand. His was taken back by my gesture but never let go of my hand but instead squeezed it tighter. "Thank you Dabi." When I said his name he stopped in his tracks and stared at me. "When were alone you can call me Touya." I never thought that he would trust me with his real name. "Ok then...thank you Touya." I said with a smile on my face. Touya just smiled at me then he walked up to me and patted my head, ruffing up my hair. "Lets go." He said as he walked off to to hideout. "Right!" I yelled catching up to him.

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