Lets Get The Kid

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The sun shined brightly through the cracks of my boarded up window. The sunlight was a nuisance, hurting my eyes as I opened them. "Morning Doll." I turned my head to the door to see Touya leaning against the door frame. "You know what today is right?" He smirked at me while crossing his arms. "Of course I know what today is. I just hope you're ready." I said smirking back at him. "Don't get cocky (y/n). I can take you on anytime." Touya rolled his eyes at me and put his hands in his pockets. He's too easy to tease. I got up from my bed and walked over to Touya. "Please they day you beat will be the day I become a hero." I said poking his chest. Touya let out a small chuckle at my words. "Whatever you say but hurry up the boss is waiting." Touya lifted his hand and ruffled up my hair before leaving. 
I quickly threw on my normal outfit and headed to the bar where everyone was waiting. "About time you show up." Tomura glared at me threw the hand on his face. No matter if he's the boss or not I'm still and equal to him we run the League together. "Shut it brother, we still have plenty of time till we go to the students campsite." I could hear the click of his tongue, annoyed with me at the moment. I just rolled my eyes and leaned my back against the wall with my arms folded across my chest. "Don't forget our target is Bakugo Katsuki." Tomura said while holding up a picture of a ash blonde teenager with red eyes. "If anyone gets in the way...destroy them." If I'm completely honest, I don't like the idea of harming children. Even if they're training to become heroes one day they're just kids still trying to find their way in this world. A light touch of someone's hand on my shoulder brought me out of my thpughts. I look over to see a weird lizard man with an outfit similar to Stain's. "I figured since we're going to be working I should introduce myself. The names Spinner." He announced proudly while pointing his thumb to his chest. "Ghost Blade." I simply told Spinner. His eyes widened at mention of my name. "WOAH THE GHOST BLADE!" Because of Spinner's yelling I'm now the center of everyones attention. I just shook my head, listening to all the whispering surrounding my name. I smiled to myself knowing that my name alone left an impact on people. "You ready to go dollface."

Dabi POV

(Y/n) didn't say anything but nod her and head lifted her hood over her head along with her mask leaving only her (e/c) eyes exposed. (Y/n) was never a big talker but it never bothered me. Sometimes silence can be just as relaxing. "Ok everyone lets go." (Y/n) voice caught everyone's attention as she lead them to Kurogiri's portal. I could tell that (y/n) was a natural leader. The authority in her voice and they she carried herself. (Y/n) always walked with her head held high as if she was unstoppable.  Before I could leave with the group and hand on my shoulder stopped me. When everyone was ahead I turned to see the boss wanting to tell me something. "I know you have an eye out for my sister." I was shock that he picked up on this but even though he seemed like a fool with a impossible dream, Shigaraki is pretty damn perspective. "What are you talking about?" I kept my voice leveled so I wouldn't sound suspicious. "I'm not stupid Dabi." Shigaraki let out a sigh knowing he wasn't going to get anywhere with me. "I don't care if you like her or not just make sure she comes back home." Without another word Shigaraki left. Jeez. I thought he was gonna disintegrate me. "Now let's get this mission over with." I stepped through the purple and black portal letting it close behind me. When I was fully through I could see everyone sitting at the top of the mountain looking down at the training grounds for the hero students. "We're still waiting on a few more people to come." (Y/n) told me while I was walking over to edge where she was. Without me asking she handed me some binoculars so that I could get a better look. When I looked through the binoculars I could see the kids and pro heroes getting ready to rest for the night. When I was done with seeing what I need to I turned around to face everyone. "Does everyone remember the plan and their postions?" Not saying a word everyone nodded at me. "Good since we're still waiting a couple more people we will strike tomorrow night. Until then keep your eyes one them amd watch for their weaknesses and don't do anything to get us spotted. You got it?" Again everyone nodded their heads and went to rest for the night. Leaving me and (y/n) the only ones awake. "You know Touya, I think I'm going to help out with the pro heroes. Fighting kids isn't my thing." I was a little surprised to see that an infamous serial killer had a soft spot for kids but it doesn't matter if that what she wants. "Fine by me but you should probably turn into an owl or something to make sure everyone is ok. "Yeah I guess I could do that instead but if I spot a pro I'm going after them." I knew she hated heroes just like the rest of us and that Stain influenced her ideology too. She's fighting for the same thing I am. A world with real heroes and not all of these fakes. "Whatever dollface, just don't die on me.


I'm sorry I haven't been writing ive been so busy and then I got really sick 😅😅 but im back now!!!!

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