Vanguard Action Squad

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It's been a week since Dabi and the others joined me and Tomura. For a whole week we've been cooped up in the hideout waiting our orders from Tomura. "(Y/n)-channn!" There's only one person that calls me that childish nickname."What is it Toga?" Even though I'm not very fond of Toga, she's not that bad to hang out with. She even asked me if I can help her with her knife work. Toga was already skilled at combat with knives and her aim was decent, but she lacked in some areas. "Shigaraki said he wants to see all of us and asked me to come get you." I got up from my bed and threw on my signature black hoodie and wrapped my mask around my neck for now. Walking into the bar, with Toga at my heels, I looked around noticing some new faces. I gave Tomura a questiong glance just for him to shrug his shoulders in return. He then turned towards everyone ready to address us. "Now that we're all here, I have a mission." Fumbling around in his pockets, Tomura pulled out a picture of a blonde headed teen with an angry scowl on his face. Based on his uniform I could tell that he was a student at UA High School. What is it that Tomura wants with him? "Your mission is to capture this boy. His name is Bakugo Katsuki, he's part of the hero course at UA." I was honestly taken back from this. The last thing I expected was for Tomura was to kidnap a hero course student. Not questioning his attentions. Leaning against the wall I continued to listen on as he give the details of the plan. "Umm..Shigaraki how are we going to get the kid. UA has tight security and we don't know how many pro heroes work there." A lizard man spoked up. "According to my intel, the hero course students are going to be going to a training camp on the Pussycats property." So thats how he wants us to do it. "There's going to be little teachers to watch over the students. When the moment is right we'll get the boy and have Kurogiri bring you guys back." Everyone started to get excited at the thoughts of causing mayhem. Most of them didn't seem to care about the mission. "You guys will be called the Vanguard Actions Squad with (y/n) and Dabi leading." You've got to be kidding me. "I don't need to team up with Dabi, I can lead the team on my own." I grew impatient at this fact. I've worked alone, it gets the job done faster and easier. "Why did you make him a leader too?" Tomura didn't care about my outburst. I knew he had his reasons, but he also knows what I'm capable of. I grit my teeth in frustration waiting for an answer. "I know you can lead this team alone but I need someone to keep an eye on Dabi. I don't completely trust him." My body relaxed after being given the explanation. It makes sense, Dabi sticks to himself so we don't really know anything about him. He could be a spy for the heroes for all we know. He may look like a villain but that doesn't mean he is one. "Now that that's over with, you guys leave in a few days. Be ready and don't make any mistakes." Tomura left to the back leaving us all in the bar. "This will be fun!! Right (y/n)-chan?!" Looking over I see Toga sitting at the bar swinging her legs back and forth playing with her knives like they were toys." I put my hood over my head and pulled up my mask to cover my face. Then I walked towards the door opening it slightly. "It doesn't matter. We have a mission to do and that's that....I'm going out." Without turning back I walked out the door and closed the door. I needed to go for a walk. I was tired of being locked up in the hideout. As I was going down the streets I could hear nothing but the commotion of civilians doing their evening activities. No one gave me a second glance as a brushed past them. After awhile of mindlessly walking I stumbled upon a park where there are children playing without a care in the world. I was a little tired from walking so I decided to sit on a bench nearby watching the kids play. Seeing the children happy made me think back to my parents. It made me wonder if they loved me and cared for me like normal parents...would I still become a villain or be a hero? "Fancy seeing you here Dollface." I rolled my eyes recognizing the voice immediately. "Why are you here Dabi?" I didn't look at him. I just sat there continuing to watch the kids. I felt the bench shift next to me signaling that Dabi was now next to me. "I got bored at the hideout so I decided to find you for some entertainment." Looking over, Dabi had a smirk on his face and was looking at me. His smirk gave me a weird feeling and made me slightly uncomfortable. It wouldn't hurt to try to get to know Dabi. Since we're going to be leading a team together. Now that I was closer to him I could get a better view of him. His turquoise eyes was captivating to look at. His black spiked hair almost looked fluffy. Scanning his body I noticed that it's littered in those purple scars. It made me curious. "So how did you get those scars. It looks like it hurts." Dabi began to rub his cheek where the purple scar was with a hint of sadness plagued his eyes. "My body isn't made for my quirk so when I use too much of my quirk it slowly burns me up too." I never knew someone's quirk could hurt them in such a way. Then again I heard about a boy from the sports festival the breaks his bones every time he used his quirk. "What about you? How did you get yours?" Oblivious to his question I gave Dabi a confused looked. Noticing my expression he went on to give me and explanation. "When we fought your hoodie came up and I saw the scar on your side." Ohh that scar. I was surprised that he noticed the old gash on my side. Honestly, this guy is pretty good. My mind raced back to that night I ran away from my house. "When I was parents tried to kill." I felt some tears swell up in my eyes. "The scar is the result of that." Nothing but silence feel between us. It was a comfortable silence though that made me feel at ease. The sun was beginning to set. The orange and red colors of the sky made me feel at peace as I felt the last bit of heat from the ending day. I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulder and pulled me down so I was leaning on a body. Looking over I see Dabi with a hurt written all over his face but refused to look at me. "Listen (y/n)...I'm sorry that you had to go throw that." Looking down I noticed that his other hand was clenched into a fist. Why is this bothering him so much. It wasn't his fault. "I know what it's like to not feel the love and protection of a parent." My eyes widden at his confession. It was the last thing I expected to come from Dabi. "I know you want to cry. Your eyes are more glossy then the water when light hits it...just go ahead I got you." At that moment it was like his words triggered something in my brain to signal me to cry. I haven't cried since that night so many years ago. I clenched onto Dabi's jacket refusing to let go. I felt his hand go up as he stroked my hair between his fingers. "Just because were villains...doesn't mean we have to hide our feelings. We maybe labeled as bad guys. But we're still human." Dabi's words gave me a feeling of relief knowing that someone else understands my pain. I'm lucky to have met you....Dabi.

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