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All of the the ones who didn't get caught by the police made it back to the bar. There were only a handful of us though. We had Bakugo strapped to chair and his hands in a metal box so he can't use his quirk. Everyone was silent waiting for Tomura to come in so I decided to turn on the news to see what's going on. "The missing student from UA known as Bakugo Katsuki still has yet be found. The heroes are still looking for him while some of the staff from UA plan to hold a press conference later this evening." I barely listened to what else was going on thinking about how are we going to convince Bakugo to join our side. Which I highly doubt he will. "Here's some major information during the attack the famous hero killing villian Ghost Blade was seen by the students. Police and heroes believe that they are working with the League of Villians that planned the kidnapping but their relationship is unclear." The news reporter put her ear up to the head piece she was wearing listening into the other end before speaking again. "Some more information on Ghost Blade is that she has a type of animal shape shifting quirk and weilds all kinds of weapons from throwing knives to swords." The new reporter ended her segment and the cameras switched over to the conference thats about to start. "Looks like some of your secret got out (y/n)." Dabi said from behind before putting his arm on my head then resting his chin on it. "It doesn't matter if they do or not. I can still take them on." At that moment Tomura came in and sat at the bar taking a sip at his drink as we all waited for him to speak. "Join us Bakugo and our mission." Tomura finally said. Way to be straight forward. "We strive to win and take down the hero society, you like to win don't you?" Bakugo just stayed quiet glaring and Tomura thinking about his words. "Spinner let him out of those chains." Tomura demanded. "Brother I don't think that's a good idea." "It's fine if we want Bakugo to be one of us, we have to treat him like one of us." I knew Tomura could be a fool but this is on another level. Spinner proceded to take off Bakugo's chains but the moment all the chains were off Bakugo sent and explosion straight at Spinner knocking him back some. "I don't care what you guys have to say, but if you want me to listen then get on you knees and beg!" Tch. Cocky brat. "I want to win just like All Might. That will never change."  The TV was still on the new channel now with the press conference. The reporters were going in hard on the UA staff and I don't blame them.  One of the reports were talking about Bakugo and his history when starting out at UA. This seem to tick off the hero known as Eraser Head as he stood up with an angry look in his eyes. "As Bakugo Katsuki's teacher, I take full responsibility for not taming his violent behavior." He told the press while taking a bow. "He's trying harder than anyone in his pursuit to become the top hero. If the villains think they have a chance with him, then they are grossly mistaken." Wow Eraser Head. Well played. I looked over to see Bakugo with a grin on his face. "Hah! did ya hear the teachers?" I got a feeling this kid is trying to mock us now. "I'll never join your league of bastards!" Bakugo was staring at us like he had a plan of some sort. "We may not be at camp, but I can still fight!" Everyone got ready to fight him. Tomura look pissed and Kurogiri noticed it too. "No Tomura! Be calm!" Kurogiri shouted at him. But instead Tomura put his hand up and told us not to lay a finger on him before picking up his hand mask and placing it back on his face. "This hero is still a valuable piece. I thought me and you could come to an understanding." Tomura told Bakugo. "You think we're the same? Not a chance." This Bakugo kid sure has some balls to talk to us like that. I have to admit he has strong convictions if he still wants to become a hero. "Fine then we don't have time to waste the heroes are looking for you after all. Master, lend me your power." Is he really going to call on All For One for this. We could just knock him out and take him to a different location. A knock on the door was heard soon after. Don't tell me. "Pizza Delivery!" Knowing it was a trap right away I turned into a bat and hid in the corner on the ceiling watching closely. Just as I thought the whole wall came coming down and there stood All Might along with other Pro Heroes and the police. Right as the smoke cleared branches of wood wrapped around everyone in the league except for me. "Don't worry, I got this." Dabi said but was knocked out along with Kurogiri by something yellow and moving fast. Great its Gran Torino. I told myself. "Hey guys we're missing someone!" Gran Torino yelled to the rest of the group. "Find her before she gets away!" All Might yelled to the police. I can kill All Might while he's distracted. This is my chance. "Right here All Might!" I yelled while turning into my human form and taking out my swords. The shock on the heroes faces when I showed up filled me with excitement. All for One trained me to take on any hero that gets in our way and right now that person is All Might. "You're in our way... Symbol of Peace!" Before I could lay a hit on All Might I threw up some kind of think black goo that wrapped it's way around me. It was dark for a moment until the black goo went away. I coughed up from the horrid taste that was left in my mouth making me want to throw up for real this time. I took in my surroundings and noticed we were in some kind of disaster area because the buildings around us were destroyed. Looking around I saw that the rest of the league along with Bakugo were with us slowly getting up. My eyes darted to the familiar figure standing on the hill above us. I quickly had rage filled as I realized he was the reason why I was here. "What the hell Master! I almost cut All Might in half before u transported us here!" "Calm down (y/n) today is not the day for the symbol of peace to die. For now you guys need to escape." I knew All For One had a point but it still made me mad. Tomura on the other hand didn't want to leave our master behind me. In a matter of seconds All Might came flying out of no where ready to attack All For One. However All Might's didnt work because of All For One blocking it with his hands. "I'll have you return my student, All For One!" "Have you come to kill me a second time, All Might?" This fight is going to be insane I told myself. The pressure from the two began to build up causing a small explosion of air to push us all back. I began coughing from all the dirt surrounding us. When the smoke cleared I noticed that a knocked out Touya was laying there next to me. "Thank God you're safe." I looked back to see All For One and All Might still going at it with each other. When All Might was sent flying threw the air and crashed into building causing them to collapse All for one told us to leave with Bakugo then used some kind of quirk from his hands to activate Kurogiri's quirk and created portals behind us. "There's no way I can just leave you here to fight All Might alone!" I yelled out to All For One while Touya's head laid in my lap. "You have to leave you all still have so much room to grow especially you Tomura." All For One said before flying up to fight All Might once again. Compress came over to me and Touya before trapoing him in one of his blue marbles to make it easier to carry him. "Claim your Prize Shigaraki." We all got into a fighting stance ready to capture Bakugo so we can get out of here. We all ran to Bakugo but he kept doging our attacks. All Might tried multiple times to cone rescue Bakugo but All For One wouldn't let All Might get close to us. "Ugh this is going no where can someone catch this kid already!" Spinner yelled out just as frustrated as I am. All of a sudden a loud crash was heard from behind us. We all stopped fight to see what was going on then a large block of ice came out of nowhere with someone running on top of it. Wait a minute. "Damn it! It's those kids from the camp grounds!" I yelled out. The moment that those kids were raising high in the air one held at his hand yelling at Bakugo to come one. "Get him now!" I called out to Tomura since he was the closest only for Bakugo  to let out an explosion propelling himself into the air and grabbing on to the other boy hands. "Not bad kids but you have to do better." I jumped into the air turning into a falcon to chase after them. Right behind me was Compress thanks to Magne's quirk. When Compress got closer Mt Lady grew herself and knocked him down using her face. The rest of the league were knocked out because of Gran Torino. I was gaining on the kids following right behind them. Before I could grab onto Bakugo, he sent an explosion straight at me causing me to turn back into a human and fall from the sky hitting the ground with a thud. However I was still consious along with Tomura. I got up and walked over to my brother with a limp. When I was right next to him Tomura put his arm around my waist to help hold me up. We both stared at All For One not wanting to leave him behind. After all he was the man that raised us. Gran Torino had his eyes set on me and Tomura ready to take us down. All For One then used Magne's quirk to send the group of boys into the portal by sending them at Toga knocking them inside. Tomura however kept fighting it not wanting to leave our Master's side. "Your body is too damaged!" With that last sentence Tomura was sent into the portal leaving me with All For One. My master turned to me ready to speak. "Before you go-" "NO I REFUSE TO LEAVE YOUR SIDE!" I screamed cutting him off. "If it wasn't for you I would've died in that alleyway alone, but because you saved me I grew strong and now have a purpose in my life so... FATHER PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME AND TOMURA!!!" I began to cry like a pathetic little kid but I didn't care everything I said is true All For One, my master, raised me and Tomura as if we were his own, training us to become the strongest we can be so that one day we can destroy the hero society. While I was crying I felt a hand pat my head. Looking up I see All For One over me. "Listen (y/n) I need you to watch over Tomura. One day he will be the new leader of the villains and with you to help him along the way I have no doubt that you two will be the most powerful villains." I nod my head at his words knowing this was my last mission from him. He leaned down closer to my ear to say something only I could hear. "You and Tomura will always be my children." He told me before using some kind of quirk to send me through the portal. The last thing I saw was All For One with his back turned, about to fight All Might again.

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