Night of Terror

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Dabi and I took turns keeping watch while the other rested until the mission starts. Right now it was my turn to watch the camp. Watching those kids train to become stronger almost left a sick feeling in my stomach knowing they're going to become future heroes. It made me wonder if I would've been like them if one of swapped lives. "What's with that look?" Looking over my shoulder I see Touya stretching out his arms and walking over to me. "Just thinking." Touya took a seat next to me and stared down at the kids. "Sometimes I wonder if I didn't have messed up parents, would I try to be a hero too?" Touya said nothing and just continued looking down at the camp sight. "Nah, I think you'll still be a villian. You see the problem in the hero society and want it to change." He's right I became a villain because heroes couldn't save me. A villian saved me then raised me as his own when no one else would. "Yeah, you're right." The sun was beginning to set. Orange and reds filled the sky. The scenery brought some peace to me as if nothing else mattered. Soon the bright sky faded away letting the stars and moon take over the sky. "Looks like it's showtime." Touya said standing up. I got up along with everyone else. When Touya gave the signal I turned into an owl to start searching for the Bakugo kid while everyone else went deep into the forest. The night was quiet as I was flying by the trees. I soon came to a stop and perched on a branch watching and listening for any disturbances. I soon smelled smoke coming from right. I turned my head to see Touya's blur flames burning away everything in it's path. Without a second look I took off again to begin my search again. I flew up over the trees, towards the starry sky to get a better view of what's going on around me. When I reached my peak I looked around to see nothing but chaos. Students were running around screaming trying to get away from the villians and the sounds of the small battles going on in different sections. I felt bad for the kids knowing myself what's it like to run in fear of your life. I continued on flying above the trees until I found him he was traveling in the middle of a group of kids trying to make their way back to the camp I flew ahead of then and sifted back into my human form staying hidden in the shadows of the trees. "Hey guys I found the Bakugo kid hes traveling withother students trying to get to campsite." I spoke into the ear peice that Shigaraki gave to us. "Roger that I'm on my way." The voice of Mr. Compress responded back to me. I need to distract them so he has time to go get here. Before the kids could get passee me I jump down from the tree right in from of the group. When they say me the stopped in their tracks and stared at me wide eyed. "'re costume!" A girl with pink cheeks exclaimed with a stutter "You're the villian Ghost Blade! You killed so many pros but never got caught. No one knows anything about you. Some say you were just a urdan legend." A smiled a bit under my mask amused by what they had to say. "Since you know so much about me why don't we skip the introduction then shall we?" I reached back amd grabbed the handle of my sword. "I don't like hurting kids. In fact, I'm completely against it so I'll say this once. Grabbing the handle I took out my sword completely and pointed it at the terrified group in front of me. "Hand over Bakugo Katsuki and no one else will have to get hurt." The kids were frozen not knowing what to do. "Blade, I'm coming in from behind you guys keep them distracted I'll use my quirk to grab Bakugo from behind." Mr. Compress voice came back throw the ear piece. "So what will it be?" I asked. "We're not going to let you have Kacchan!" A beat up boy with broken arms yelled from someone's back. "Wrong choice." I put my sword back and threw my smaller knives at their feet causing them to back up more. When I looked up I noticed two students were missing. "I got Bakugo let's get back to Dabi." Smiling I brought my hand up to the the ear piece. "Roger that. Sorry kids looks like our fight is over." Confusion was written on all their faces. Next time you want to protect your friends, make sure you have your eyes on them." Before they could respond I turned back into and owl with Compress following me the meet up point where the others would be waiting. "Well done Blade! You put on a magnificent show back there!" I can't talk in my animal form so I let out a screech in acknowledgement. After a few minutes of flying I began to get a bad feeling. Looking over my shoulder I was shocked to see the kids flying to us. Damn it! I let out another screech to warn Compress of the incoming danger. He looks behind us and understands the situation instantly. "Don't worry about it, I have a plan. Here, take these to Dabi." He threw two blue marbles at me which I catch with my beak. When I looked over at him he had two others in his hand and started flying the other direction to lure them away. I decided to fly just under the tree line to give me better coverage. I came closer to Touya's familiar blue flames knowing he was close by. I dodged the fire and the falling branches until I had Touya in sight. When I got closer I perched on his shoulder which startled him slightly. "You got who we came for?" I nodded my head and placed the two marbles in his hand. "Great now we just wait for the portal to open." After a few minutes of waiting Mr. Compress came out from behind the trees. "I think I lost those kids." Then it was twice who came next "Jeez it took you guys long enough. Great job you caught Bakugo!" Twice alter ego switches out has he keeps talking. While Twice and Touya we're having a conversation I heard a strange noise from the distance. Turning back into my human form I went over to Compress "You did say you got away from those kids right?" I asked while crossing my arms and giving Compress a questioning glare. "Of course I did! You shouldn't question my unmatchable ski-." Before another word could be let out 3 kids fell down from the sky, landing on Compress. "Thought so." I said glaring at the sight in front of me. I could hear Touya let out a sigh not wanting to deal with this. "Give Kacchan and Tokoyami back!" The boy with unruly green hair cried out. "This kid has multiple injuries plus two broken arms and still thinks he can fight us?" I said out loud. "Blade, Compress get out of the way." I look behind me to see Touya put his arm oit ready to fire off his flames. Jumping out of the way I watched as Touya let out a large wave of fire burning two of the kids.  "You guys are on Shigaraki's kill list." Twice said jumping up ready to attack before a wave of ice came out of nowhere blocking his path. Out of the corner of my eye I see Toga throw here syringes at the green haired boy before running up to him and tackling him on the ground ready to stab him with a knife. "Honestly, this is too much." I said to myself as the fighting goes on. When I looked up I see the kids running off into the woods before giving chase Mr. Compress put his arm up to stop me. Looking at the kids I see a nomu just up ahead of them. Seeming to notice this the kids changed direction only for Kurogiri to stop them in their tracks. Kurogiri then set up portals behind us like what was planned. Before we stepped inside the portal Compress released his quirk revealing that kids to have blocks of ice while we had to two students. Before we could make it into the portal a beam of light came out of thr tree line hitting Touya's hand causing him to let go of the two marbles. Seeing this I grabbed one of the marbles while the kid with multiple limbs grabbed the other. The quirk released revealing me to have Bakugo. I took out my knife and placed it along his throat. Without a second later I pulled him into the portal with me and Touya. It's over, sorry kids looks like we won.

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