8.2 Ham and Cheese

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We walk down the streets with our hands interlock swaying back and forth happily,we saw Pizza Restaurant three blocks away and decided to eat.We placed ourself in the dine and started to choose from the menu.

"Chicken and Ham? you like that?" I asked but she refused,I suggested lots and lots of pizza topping until she decided ham and cheese but here's the problem,I hate cheese and I need to be honest with her.Too late,the pizza's been served right after we ordered it.

A coincidence or meant to be call it whatever because we just made the same thing, she removed her ham toppings and place it on the other plate, like she did I also removed the cheese and place it on the other plate and we both laugh simultaneously when we notice what happened.

"You don't like ham!?"

"Yeah! I hate ham and you hate cheese"

"So here's what I'm thinking!"

"Stop...I know what you're thinking"

Definitely she is thinking what I'm thinking,I place my cheese toppings into her pizza while she place her ham toppings into my pizza, uniqueness couple aren't we?

We went home having our conversation,our conversation is never boring because we always cooperate and bring up another topic until it came to the weirdest call sign, everytime she jokes me around she calls me Cheese so I took revenge and call her Ham. Ham and Cheese that's our call sign, although it's kinda weird but I still found it cute. We reached her fathers clinic and yeah her father is a Doctor and I'm excited to meet her father.

"Appa! this is Luhan" She introduce me with a smile and her father responded happily and was expecting already that I'm his daughters boyfriend,Father did an errand to Eun See and we did some talkings after Eun See left to get some cup of tea.

"So are you really sure with my daughter?"

"Yah appa we're not getting married ho—"

"Arraseo arraseo now go get some tea" Father incised Eun See's word.

"Uh yes I'm sure with your daughter"

"I want to thank you for letting Eun See feel love, I thought I was the only one making her feel very loved and special before she will...."

"What was that father?" I speak because he suddenly paused from talking.

"Have my daughter told you anything?"

"Anything like?"

"About her?"

"Uhmm...there was none, is there something I need to know?"

"Nevermind it all"

His unrecognizable expression was suddenly change into smile as he taps my back saying to take good care of Eun See, of course I said Yes wholeheartedly because that is never a problem to me, I don't know what will I do if Eun See is gone and of course I will never put her into risk.Finally the tea is ready, Eun See serves it while I jokingly complain why the tea is so late then she answered impishly  "Why? afraid of Dads question? Dad what horror question did you ask with my boyfriend"

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