Intermission: A Lost Vision

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"I hope you're happy now... Jackarse," Cody muttered as he left the building leaving Mey and Ken Drick there.

He knew he had broken their trust. The revolutionary covenant is now in shambles as he could only feel helpless in this situation.

He is terrified that he just sentenced one of his friends to execution while discharging one of them in the process. Knowing that it was he, himself, that sent Kyra to France... He knows that he has the letter and documents proving her innocence, so why didn't he step up to defend her like Cody did?

He looked at the side to see Captain Newhiskey have a big grin on his face. The expression of someone who just learned that they won a battle.

He could only sigh and ponder what he just did. He sentenced his friend and discharged the other from fighting in the war.

"Sir, we recieved news that the troops at Roga and Driloa were defeated," A messenger came up to him as the guilt began to build up.

He made everything worse... The battles in Roga and Driloa shook the army to the core and he knew it... This winter is going to test the soldiers' will.

He could still hear her.

"You'll regret this James, you will suffer the consequences of your actions," Kyra shouted at him as she was dragged outside of the court.


As he looks towards the window of his office. He replaced the guards in his office, changing them with some of the men from the 212th battalion. He couldn't trust the Presidential Guard anymore, especially for their part in the arrest of Kyra. All he could do was hope that the worst had already come to pass. 


She could only watch helplessly as the only person who could bring her out of this situation was removed from doing anything in the revolution. His demeanor was extremely livid before turning back to her with a sad frown.

He mouthed her 'I'm sorry,' before leaving. How tragic is her story going to be? Will Cody continue telling her story, unlike Ken Drick who sentenced her to death?

All she did was help and succeed and when she arrived back home. She is arrested and given an unfair trial. She looked at the captain of the presidential guard as he was grinning.

Now she knows who spread those rumors and destroyed her reputation. She was about to shout when she was held back by the Blackguards, both of them dragging her along the floor as Ken Drick looked down at his boots with shame. 

As she is being dragged she shouts the only thing she can think of as the guards continue dragging her towards the exit.

"You'll regret this James, you will suffer the consequences of your actions,"

She was thrown into a caravan as the Presidential Guards laughed at her pitiful state. She could see the Black Guards glaring at them before threatening them to leave. 

"Do you think you could reverse their judgement?" One of the Black Guards asked as she looked at him.

"Yes, I'm innocent you have to believe me!" Kyra said as the guard looked at her with kind eyes.

"I believe you ma'am it's just that Captain Newhiskey has been trying to get General Rivera's position since the start of the Revolution. It scares me that he would do something extremely stupid that will cost the lives of the men serving under him... I've heard stories all about you and the founder... and how the other Generals treat their men. I thought we were just numbers a pawn in a chess game but General Rivera and General Brooker have proved that wrong," The guard said as Kyra looked at him.

"General Rivera lets his soldiers get food and rest, all the while making sure that everyone is okay. General Brooker did the same even playing card games with us... Yet Captain Newhiskey has failed to show his men any compassion... They have become the one thing they swore to fight agaisnt," the guard said as Kyra looked at him with shock. She was sure Cody told every high official that every soldier under the revolutionary army was not a pawn in some chess game.

"I've heard at times he wouldn't give them food and rest, I'm sure General Rivera and President Winchester wouldn't approve of that at all. It's just that he acts as if he is the perfect guardsman around the president all the while when he is left alone with the good General... it's as if they are about to draw their guns and open fire at each other," The guard continued as shock continued going through her.

How could Ken Drick trust that Captain? He was able to manipulate the War Council into executing her as well as removing their top General.

She now knows that the person who truly destroyed the revolutionary covenant.

And now she knows that person is the traitor who revealed the plans for the Vichisburg Campaign as well as for the battle of Revilla.


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