Chapter 13: Torture

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_______September 30, 1932_______

It has been three weeks since they captured General Rivera and Commander Bracodo. She has to admit her admiration of the general grew.

He always did his best to protect the young commander. As she watched the days go by, he wasn't the cruel man the stories depict him to be but a kind man who has a big heart.


She and the torturer entered the room, preparing the tortures they had in line for their prisoners.

"Why are you still doing this?" Cody asked as he looked at her with a calm face.

She brought out a whip and whipped the floor causing him and Mey to recoil.

"Like I said in the past... you won't get anything from either of us," Cody said watching her with a determined glare.

She could only look at the hooded man before turning to look outside the cell. She could only sigh as Cody looked at her.

"If you won't give up any information... Then its hopeless. The commissioner will deal with you," She said as she started whipping them.


The British Cold Guards dragged him towards one of the interrogation rooms. Being placed on the chair, he could only stare at the Emperor's hand and a British Commissioner.

"I already told you... You won't get anything from me," Cody said as the Commissioner could only give a hearty laugh. Jazmine turned to look at him.

"Dear Commissioner... You have failed to notice that the crown has taken note of your Revolutionary fervor," Shay said while Cody could only glare at him.

"Commissioner Scott... What a pleasant surprise. How's your wife and children... Oh wait my bad!" Cody said in a malevolent tone, his face showing a spiteful expression.

Shay looked at him and then suddenly punched him in the face.

"Never mention my family!" Shay shouted while Cody spat blood out of his mouth.

"Let me ask you Commissioner... Have you ever considered that the men and women you've imprisoned have families too?" Cody asked in a calm tone while Shay could only glare at him.

"Let me remind you why those men and women are here now... They serve under you and your revolution," Shay said as he removed a curtain.

His eyes open in anger and shock at the scene in front of him.

"Your business is with me not him!" Cody shouted as Mey hung on chains.

"I'll take the torture just don't hurt him!" Cody continued as Shay placed his arm on his shoulder.

"For all your talk of freedom and equality... You'll always take the first blow... When will you ever learn Rivera, the people don't have a voice... We benefit from their hard work for it our given right by God," Shay said as Cody could only glare at him with extreme disdain.

"You seem to forget Scott... I fight for the people. They deserve to have a voice, they deserve to have freedom, and they deserve to be free from tyranny. God has given us the right to have free will. He never gave us the right to benefit from the hard work of others," Cody said in disgust as Shay could only glare at him once more.


"I have nothing," Mey said quietly as the man got closer to him. He started to panic but the man quickly placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry... The Revolutionary Army is on their way," The voice sounds familiar to him, someone he admired deeply before the revolution.

"Dad?" Mey whispered as the hooded figure nodded.

"The Supreme Council is now scrambling to recover especially after the president learned about your abduction," his father whispered as he looked towards the window.

Cody and the Commissioner seemed to be in a heated argument.

"I'm sorry Mey... but we must continue keep the ruse so that I won't reveal myself," His father said as Mey nodded solemnly.


The door to her cell opened. It was Dwayne Newhiskey, here to gloat about his victory.

"What do you want?! James and Cody have seen through your disguise... traitorous whelp," Kyra said as Dwayne grinned at her.

"You think I work for the British but that is not true, my loyalty has been with the revolution, and the President,"

"James isn't blind, so is Cody... they have caught on to what you've been trying to do for the past few months. Giving the British crucial information of our revolution and telling them where Cody and the other generals are to attack," Kyra said as Dwayne looked at her with shock.

"You're silence proves that I'm correct," Kyra grinned as Dwayne started to sweat.

"Heh... you're arrogance will lead to your death, once I was able to make the supreme council sign the declaration of Surrender, the British will be able to have the these islands back, and I would enjoy my new position of being the new Minister of State," Dwayne said as he turned to the exit. He looked back at her as she looked at him with terror.

"With Cody, out of the way, there is no one who will stand in my way of ending your pitiful revolution," Dwayne grinned as he exited her cell.

"NEWHISKEY GET BACK HERE!" Kyra shouted as she was held back by the shackle on her leg.

But no one came.

All she could do was hope that they were able to get Cody and Mey back.


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