Chapter 13: Professor Alatar

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"You were lucky," Sirius was telling James as we went to our next class, which was defense against the dark arts. Remus was telling Peter about Hogwarts: A History and James and Sirius were talking about charms class.

"I wonder what our teacher will be like," Remus said.

"I hope he's fun," I told him. When we arrived in the classroom, he wasn't there yet, and there were students waiting at the door.

"I'm sorry I'm late, but come on it," Our professor said, opening the door. While everyone sat down, he wrote his name on the board.

"I am Professor Alatar, and I will be teaching you defense against the dark arts. Today we will be talking about dark magic. Dark magic is mostly used in a bad way. Does anyone know any dark wizards?"

Lot's of people's hands shot up.

"You," he said pointing at Sirius.

"There's Voldemort," Sirius told him, calmly.

Professor Alatar's eyes widened. "How can you say his name?" he said horrified, looking at Sirius.

"I don't know. I don't think it's a big deal," Sirius shrugged.

"Of course it's a big deal. We are talking about him who must not be named, a very powerful wizard!"

"But sir, why don't you say his name?" I asked curiously.

"Well, first of all we fear him, and saying his name makes it worse," he answered me.

"I still don't get it. Why don't you just say Voldemort?" I asked again, and he flinched at the name. "You only make it worse by not saying his name,"

"My dear girl, I suggest you don't say his name again, You are quite disrespectful,"

"How am I disrespectful? Just because I said his name?"

"Yeah, I agree with Jenine. If you're scared of him and you don't say his name, It just makes it worse," James says just as confused.

"Enough. What are your names?" he asked us fiercely. "You three,"

"Sirius Black,"

"Jenine Hill,"

"James Potter,"

"Potter, huh? And a black, too. I wonder how your parents would react if they heard you talking like this. How were their reactions to you getting into Gryffindor and not Slytherin?"

"That's none of your business," I spoke up getting annoyed. "Your job is to teach us defense against the dark arts, not talking and ask about our personal lives,"

"I suggest you stop talking, too. You're a muggle-born, right? You-know-who would definitely not like that,"

"Enough!" I shouted standing up. "I don't care what Voldemort thinks about me. And you're going to regret all the things you said. You shouldn't act like this! I'm going to Dumbledore!"

I stood up and gathered my stuff. I noticed Sirius and James doing the same, followed by all our friends, and then the whole class.

"Looks like no one wants you If you're like this," Sirius told him before we left.

"Let's look for Professor Dumbledore," I announced to everyone. After a while, someone spotted him.

"Professor Dumbledore!" we shouted all together.

"What's the matter? Shouldn't you all be in class?" he asked us.

"Yes, but Professor Alatar isn't really teaching us," James told him, and we explained we explained what happened.

"Oh, dear. He shouldn't be acting like that. You have around 30 minutes until the lesson finishes, so go to your common rooms, and I'll deal with Professor Alatar," Dumbledore said calmly.  He went to our defense against the dark arts class, and almost everyone went the direction of our common room.

"Guys, let's follow Dumbledore, shall we?" Sirius told us grinning. There was only me, James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter.

"Sure. I'd like to see Alatar get in trouble anyway," I said smirking.

"No! We can't! That's not right, and If Dumbledore finds us we'll get into trouble," Peter said weekly.

"Well then don't come if you're scared. You coming Remus?" James asked.

Remus thought about it for a second. "Alright,"

"But you guys will get into trouble!" Peter cried once again.

"No we won't. And besides, If you don't want to come, then don't come, Pettigrew," I said. "We gotta get going now. They're probably already talking,"

The four of us made our way to the defense against the dark arts classroom with Peter trailing behind us. 

"This is unacceptable behavior, Mark, and you know it!" Dumbledore told Professor Alatar angrily. We pushed our backs against the wall beside the classroom's door.

"I know, but I was testing them," our defense against the dark arts teacher replied.

"Testing them for what?"

"How they'll react. I never knew they would say Voldemort, and now I know how strong each of them are," Professor Alatar said the name without a second thought like he's used to it.

"Just don't do it again. You need to teach them more about the dark arts, and how to defend yourself,"

"Yes, of course. I am very sorry and it will not happen again. I'll apologize to them and tell them I was wrong," 

"Thank you Mark. I must go now. Goodbye," The headmaster nodded to him and started heading for the door. 

"Quick!" I whispered. "Follow me," I ran quietly across the short corridor as fast as I can, with the other three right behind me. We found the stairs and tried to make our way to the Gryffindor common room as fast as we can. What we didn't see were Dumbledore's twinkling eyes that knew we listened to their conversation.

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