Chapter 17: Sirius's Parents

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"Hey," I said softly, smiling. I slowly sat down beside him.

"Hey," He said, looking and smiling at me, although his smile didn't reach his eyes. 

"Are you okay?"

"Not really. I just need someone to talk to,"

"If you want, you can talk to me," I said shyly.

"I'd love to. Would that be okay with you?" he asked me, his face lighting up. 

"Of course it would be okay. In fact, it's more than okay," I said. He smiled at me, this time a nice, big smile.

"All my family and ancestors were in Slytherin. And when I got sorted into Gryffindor, I think some things changed. For example, I wrote a letter to my parents, and they didn't even answer back. I told them how I was sorted into Gryffindor. I know they're not happy, but they don't have to ignore me just because of that. I even sent a letter to my smaller brother, Regulus, but he didn't write back yet. I don't know if he will though, because my parents probably told him not to talk to me. We're very close and we tell each other everything, and I just wish he would write back," Sirius said sadly.

"I doubt my parents are ever going to forgive me though. You should just see them. They're definitely one of the darkest witches and wizards out there. They also support Voldemort. I understand if you don't want to be my friend anymore because of them,"

"Oh Sirius," I said taking his hand. "I'd never judge a person by their parents. And most importantly, I'd never stop being your friend because of that. I know you're a very good person, and I know you wouldn't join Voldemort," 

"Thank you. You're an amazing friend, Jenine," he told me and pulled me into a hug.

"I think I'll finally be able to sleep now since I got it off of my chest," he said, standing up. "Goodnight,"

"Goodnight," I replied, and then we both went our separate ways.

I woke up the next morning and got ready to go to herbology. We talked about 2 different kinds of plants, and Professor Sprout showed them to us. Next was potions with Slytherins. I sat beside James, and Sirius and Remus sat beside each other, and Peter sat beside some other Gryffindor. Our teacher, Professor Slughorn, wasn't really bad. He liked me, Lily and Severus the most, because we were apparently the best. He got us to make a very simple potion that changed the color of your hair. Me and James were one of the first to finish, so Professor Slughorn told us to help Naya Parkison and Emma Bulstrode since they were doing it very poorly.

"We don't need their help," Parkinson scowled as she added something into their potion. The potion turned green and then exploded into her face as she looked down at it. Most of the class burst into laughter, except for some Slytherins.

"You were saying," I said, still laughing. We helped them make their potion correctly, with Professor Slughorn watching and smiling the whole time.

"10 points to Gryffindor! You really are magnificent!" he told us. 

After potions we went to lunch, and after lunch we had history of magic. It was pretty boring. As we were leaving history of magic, James pulled me aside. 

"Jenine, Sirius told me about his parents, and how he only told you, and he might tell Remus. But we have to help him,"

"Yeah, we can't let him feel sad like that," I said. "How about we go on a little adventure,"

"Sure. When?"

"When everyone's asleep," I replied, and then we went back to the others.

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