Chapter 19: Third year

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A/N: So I'm skipping to their third year, because there's nothing to do in the first two years :) Thanks for reading!! <3

I was sitting in a compartment with my big brother Ryan and one of his best mates, Charlie Brown. 

Hello. My name is Jenine Hill. I'm a chaser on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. One of my bestest friends, James Potter, is the seeker for our team. He is the best seeker I know. My other main best friends are Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Well, you can also count Peter Pettigrew. He mainly just tags along, but he's still one of my best friends. To be honest, none of us really wanted to be friends with him, but Remus felt bad for him. If it was my choice, I wouldn't have been friends with him, but over the last two years, since we met in first year, all five of us became closer, including Peter. 

Me, Sirius and James were even closer to each other than the others. I mean, It just kinda happened. Probably because we're all loud, we like to do the same stuff, we get into trouble a lot, and more. There are two other boys that are close to the five of us, too. Arsenius Weasley and Derek Bell. They're both amazing, and some of the best people on earth. They are fourth years, like Ryan and his friends. 

I was staring out the window when the compartment door opened. I looked at it eagerly, wanting it to be one of my friends. In came Jake Abbott, one of Ryan's best friends. The three friends greeted each other, and then Jake came to me.

"Do I not get a hug?" He asked, his handsome face turning into a pouting face. I chuckled and stood up to hug him, and he hugged me back. He then went and sat down beside Charlie. 

A few minutes later, the compartment door opened again. I looked up, hopeful, but then rolled my eyes. In danced Ryan's girlfriend, Tayla Fox. She was the usual girl the thought everyone likes her and she's popular. In reality, no one can stand her, and guys only date her for her looks. She's a half-blood and in Slytherin, and in her fourth year. She has blonde hair and is actually quite pretty, but her personality is like a rat. I don't know what my brother sees in her. 

She fluttered her eyelashes and sat down on my brother's lap, and gave him a big, wet kiss on the cheek. I gagged looking at it, It was so disgusting and wet. She glared at me. She never liked me, but I never like her anyways. Ryan seemed to notice this.

"Tayla, that was by accident. You don't need to glare at her like that," he said firmly. Tayla rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Let's get a compartment all to ourselves," she said smirking, pulling Ryan up. But Ryan sat back down.

"I think I'll stay here. I wanna talk to my friends," he said, sounding annoyed.

"I'm your girlfriend. I'm more important to them," Tayla said impatiently.

"No, you're not,"

"Yes, I am,"

"I'm not going to argue with you. We're done," Ryan said simply, before sitting back down. Tayla burst into tears and ran out of the compartment.

"She's an idiot, mate. I don't know how you'd date her," Jake told Ryan.

"Me neither," he replied. For the third time, the compartment door opened. I looked up and In staggered Sirius Black.

"Sirius!" I shouted, running to him and wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug.

"Wow, you really missed me," he said, smirking. I playfully punched his arm.

"Why didn't you send letters or answer my owls?"

"I'll tell you now," he told me. He grew over the summer, and his voice became deeper. He became even more handsome.  "Let's to the others, we were looking for you,"

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