Chapter 11

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As everyone turned their heads they saw the little maid, who had just entered Qing Shan Courtyard. Standing in the crowd with her small figure, she gently spoke, “Even though it’s winter, we are situated near the hot spring that provides much warmth but also mosquitoes and moths. Rattan itself attracts these bugs but burning it emits more warmth and further attracts the birds and mice. They feed on the bugs which then, attracts the snakes which feed on the mice. This is common knowledge and the maids should have thought long and hard about it.”

Zhuge Yue raised his eyebrows with alarm, turned his head and asked with a stern tone, “Who brought these pots of rattan here?”

Jin Cai was frightened and murmured hesitantly, “Sir, these few pots were sent by the Zhu household caretaker yesterday, explaining that they are a speciality of South Xinjiang. He thought that you would like it and specifically requested the maids to place them here.”

“Zhu Shun?” Zhuge Yue pondered for a while, his eyes turned slightly cold and he slowly spoke, “This caretaker has become more brazen. If he buys a dagger and requests to put it on my bed, I bet you will do as instructed.”

Utterly shocked, Jin Cai hurriedly exclaimed, “I would not dare!”

Zhuge Yue did not utter a word and as his servants were about to leave, he suddenly said, “You will serve in the interior from now on.”

The crowd stood still and wondered who he was referring to.

Zhuge Yue frowned impatiently, pointed to Chu Qiao and said, “You.”

Everyone suddenly stared in unison.

Chu Qiao respectfully responded, “I will obey your command.”

After exiting the main Xuan Hall, the servants just threw Jin Zhu, who was covered with blood, into the cart. This weak girl was just handed thirty strokes of the cane and was about to be thrown in An Jun Hall, an insufferable place. How is she going to survive?

Jin Cai felt ominous and shuddered at the sight. Just then, a sweet voice was heard behind her. She turned her head and saw Chu Qiao smiling eye to eye while looking at her, she then sweetly said, “Sister Jin Cai, let’s work together from here on. I am still young and immature, please take good care of me!”

Jin Cai suddenly panicked without understanding why but still tried to maintain a calm expression and replied, “We are all servants and working together… together is a must.”

“Yes.” Chu Qiao smiled and replied, “Then Sister Jin Cai, don’t you think you should forgive Nuan Yu and those children?”

Albeit feeling slightly angry, Jin Cai still nodded her head and said, “Their time here is almost up too, they can leave.”

“I shall thank you for them,” Chu Qiao grinned and walked towards the shivering cold children. She spun around like she suddenly thought of something and said, “If Sister Jin Zhu was as kind as you, Shu Tong and Lin Xi wouldn’t have been beaten alive by the Master. That’s why it pays to be kind. Lin Xi has only been dead for 3 days and it looks like Jin Zhu is going to be dead too. This thought sends a shudder down my spine.”

Jin Cai couldn’t put up a fake front anymore. She turned white with fear and glared intensely at Chu Qiao. Thinking that this small child gives off such an evil aura was frightening.

Chu Qiao edged her way forward and whispered into Jin Cai’s ear, “After committing evil deeds, there is bound to be retribution. If one has yet to be served what they deserve, it’s just that it has yet to come. Don’t you think so?”

Jin Cai was shocked, took a step back and left hurriedly.

Chu Qiao reacted immediately and grabbed onto her shoulder. Jin Cai was appalled and jumped aside, exclaiming, “What do you want?”

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