Hatred 7

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Then, again mom called me. I was already on my way to school when she called.

"I'm at the airport now."

"Airport? Where are you going mom?"

"I have a very important appointment to meet."

At 3:00 pm

I am trying to follow Donny and called him but he didn't hear so I kept following him, then I noticed So Hyun with him.

Then they enter the principal's office as if Donny is being angry, I followed...

"You killed Gia. You killed her," I heard Donny telling.

As I go inside the office, I saw Mom,

Why is Donny telling those words to mom? Did mom really killed Gia? I wanted to run. But how can I just let mom inside it?

So Hyun was there with Donny. She's trying to calm Donny.

"Donny, are you sure that it's Aunt, who did it?...Maybe you've just mistaken."

But at the end, I just can't stand there watching at Donny while telling my mom those hurting words.

"Eomma," I called mom and hugged her.

"Shar," said So Hyun.

Donny can't believe to what he heard.

"Shar ah," So Hyun said.

"I'm sorry Donny, you're not suppose to treat my mom like that."

Donny felt like frozen.

"Yes Donny, Dr. Shin is my mom."

I saw how disappointed Donny is. He was not able to say anything. He just walked away.

"Eomma, I'm sorry."

"Who is he?"

"He's Donny, and he's my friend."

Then, the principal came inside the room.

"I'm really sorry Dr. Shin for keeping you..."

The principal was not able to continue what she wants to say.

"Oh, what's wrong here?"

"Nothing, I'm okay," mom replied.

"Excuse me," I said then went out.

I ran and find Donny. Good he was just near and seated on a bench.

I saw he's crying.

"Donny, I'm sorry."

"Sorry? You think the pain will just fade upon listening to your sorry?"

I did not reply right away.

"It told you about Gia, right? I told you that..."

"Then what should I do?"

"Let's not see each other again."

"Is that how important your friend is?"

He did not answer.

"If it is a crime to be born by my mother, then what can I do? What can I do about it?"

"Yes, you cannot do anything."

"I can't do anything the way SHE (with emphasis) will never be back in your life," I told him.

"You don't understand," he said.

I don't know why I told him those words but I was not able to hold back my anger. The blood that run through my veins are boiling and I want to let out my anger too so I have no choice but to let him feel, he should not supposed to feel that way.

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