Wall 14

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Dad suddenly called me.


"Shar, I heard Donny's dad is sick. Is it true?"

"Ne appa,"

"Then, there's no reason for you to keep being friend with his son."


"What you heard is right."

"Keunde appa, wae gurae?"

"I'm busy. I already told what I want to say."

"Dad, he is your friend and he needed help."

"It's true he is my friend. I will help him but you have nothing to do with it. The company is company. But you are my daughter and you have to abide my rules."

"Dad, Donny needs my help."

"Donny is Donny. Shar is Shar. Shar and Donny are not the same."

"What do you mean?"

"Let him face his own problem. Get out of it."

"Dad, I'm sorry."

"Sharlene! Remember that you are only 18 years old."

"It's true dad, but I know what it means to be a real friend who will help in times of distress."

"Shut up!"

"Dad, please help me. Please help me...please help Donny."

"You're my daughter Sharlene, take note of that. But once you disobey me, I don't know what I can do."

"Appa...appa...appa" I called him but he cancelled his phone.

Dad is unpredictable. Today, he's good at you, he's your friend, but tomorrow he's a stranger. Or sometimes, today he is your enemy, but tomorrow he is your friend.

I know I am the daughter of my dad, but I am also the daughter of my mom. Mom never forgot her dream to be a cardiosurgeon, and she's still excelling in that field. No matter how angry dad is because of choosing her dream over the Law Firm still she is there. She is helping people to survive because it's her dream and because she keeps holding on it. She's strong, brave and compassionate.

Although I did not choose to be a cardiosurgeon the way mom wants me, I know mom understands me for choosing dad's successor because it's my only way to choose the man I will love. I already followed dad in my profession I hope he will let me choose the man of my choice and not his choice. I'm doing a favor for my dad because I know someday I will ask a favor to him as well. At least following him about my career will make me at least a good daughter.

Anyway he's busy, I know he won't know where I go or what I'm doing.

After Donny's meeting, he said he was appreciated by the board of directors for doing great. He is very happy. I am also happy but my heart is worried to what Dad told me.

Then after going out at the Law Firm.

"Sharlene!" a young man called my name from the car.

"And who is this? I don't even know him," I whispered to myself.

Then he goes out.

"Sharlene, don't you really remember me?" he asked and he removed his sunglasses.

"CJ?" I recognized him.

"I thought you won't remember my name anymore," he said.

"Of course, and why are you here?"

"Actually, I'm having a 3-day vacation here in the Philippines."

We are happily talking with CJ when Donny called my name.

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