Secret Communication 32

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POV Donny

Dad offered me to study in America to continue my studies.

Accepting that oppprtunity does not mean I gave up on Shar. I only want to be someone whom I should be as part of being me, as part of being a son of my dad. Shar is pursuing the course offered by her dad, I too has to pursue my dad's offer to me.

Obeying my parents is not forgetting my one and only Shar I am preparing myself to decide for myself in the future. I know that time will come when I have to decide for myself.

People around us thought that Shar and I don't have any means of communication. But we did it on purpose. We have to hide what is going on between us because we cannot include everybody in our relationship. And besides we are the most concerned about it.

For all those years that we've been far away from each other, we call and we sent messages to each other. It's a privacy we enjoyed and we've been ispired about.

But during my graduation, I suddenly lost my cellphone.

I can memorize Shar's number but she did not reply when I tried to contact her using my new number. That stopped our communication. But no matter what, my love for Shar didn't stop. There's always Shar and I.

POV Shar

When Donny told me about his plan, I am not against it. I am happy for him. He has to do it because he can't just ignore his roots- his family the way I can't distegard my family I too continued my studies in Korea. My friend So Hyun needed my help so I really have to be there.

I understand him. I also want the best for him. I won't forbid him to do what makes his famiy happy. Knowing his family happy for him is what also makes me happy.

I trust him. I believe that true love is forever, true love never fails. If he really love me, he'll find for me because he knows where to find me. He knows where to find what is missing to him.

Donny never failed to talk or send a message everyday except for those very busy days of him.

His letter before we separate ways reminds me that I should love because I love not because of the good things I heard about him.


I love you very much. Know that I love you before you love me.

Know that I am not perfect. Likewise I know you're not. But still I love you will all my heart.

When you came into my life, I never thought you could bring delight back into my face. Spark and shine into my eyes. Smile into my lips. Comfort into me. You're a star who brings radiance and light into my life.

You did not change me but you made me bring out the personality I'm keeping. You brought me out from sadness. You let me feel that it is happy to be happy.

In times of misunderstandings listen only to what I say. When you will hear stories from others, please don't think it's true right away. Please listen to my words and not someone elses.

Always remember that I am waiting for the right time when I can make you mine. I am waiting for the right age for us to be together. There's always be you and I.

Loving you forever,

POV Donny

A letter is something special especially when it is her penmanship. Her reply to the letter I wrote for her is something that I care and cherish.


When I tell you that I love you, I am the happiest because finally I was able to speak what is in my heart. Always remember that I love you with all my heart.

You're someone I am comfortable the most. I don't need to be someone else when I am with you. You understand everything about me. You smile with me when I am happy. You laugh with me when I feel like laughing. You understand my actions and likewise I to you.

Know that you also helped me know myself better. Without you in my life, I don't know who I am to be. See you in the right time.

Rest assured that I will only listen to you. I don't want others ruin the love we have for each other.

I will wait for you. I will keep waiting until the right time is already for you and me.

Loving you forever,

POV Donny

I am not saying Shar lost because she lacked knowledge to win during our first trial against each other. It is just the power of love that connects between us.

Her success is also my success. I don't think what will dad say or what will they say I was convince that Shar is right and she has to win that trial.

I miss her, but that first meet after me separate ways brought such joy into me that waiting is like yesterday.

I still love her. I believe that when you really love someone you don't need to see her everyday, you don't need to hear her voice everyday, and you don't need to be with her everyday. When you love someone, it's not base on your eyes or ears but it is in your heart.

Love is not seen nor heard, love is felt. But I miss her smiling, laughing and being with her.

I'm more in love than Shar. I always want to see her, I want to know if she's okay, I want to make sure that she's sound and safe.

POV Shar

I am really grateful that our paths crossed once again in an unexpected time.

I can't deny I feel I'm still in love with him. No matter how our communication was suddenly cut for a few weeks before we see each other, my heart still feels the same.

True love resides in the heart not in the ears and eyes.

It is true that love is not according to what you see and hear but it is what you feel however I miss his voice, his laughter, his smile, and everything about Donny.

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