Relics of the Past

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The group of legends finally got out of the car and stared out at the beautiful lake. Quickly they made their way down to the edge and stretched from the long car ride. “Freya?” Gwaine called and soon the small women walked gracefully out of the water. She was beautiful if not a little green, she had a beautiful dress on but it was wet and seaweed clung to it and her hair.
“Legends,” she greeted as bubbles of water followed behind her and stopped in front of each person. “After you all passed Merlin brought me items that could stay with me until you all rose once again.” The first bubble in front of Sefa popped and her father's necklace with his prayer dropped into her hands along with the necklace she used to wear daily. 

Then Guinevere's bubble popped and her crown, wedding ring, royal seal, and a dagger Merlin had gifted her so she could always have something on her, dropped into her palm. “Isn’t that Morgana’s old dress? The one Merlin said he had to burn?”
Freya blushed and smoothed the fabric, “Merlin gave it to me. My old dress was in rags, he said that he would get me something.”
“I had accused him of crossdressing,” Gwen mused and Arthur nodded along with her.
“He was too nice. Anyways on to the next person,” Freya said.

The next bubble was Mithian’s. Inside it was her crown, throwing knives, and her wedding ring. Elena’s bubble popped next and she smiled at the crown, wedding ring, and long sword she used while horseback riding dropped on her lap. Next was Leon whose armour, sword, crown, wedding ring, and four journals dropped next to him. The knight quickly picked up the ring which was still perfectly clean and a book. Elyan’s was next and it held his sword and armour which made him smile. 

Next was Morgana’s and her eyes widened comically as her dagger, a spellbook, and some of her mother’s jewelry dropped on her lap. As she looked more closely she saw a small box, there were two scrolls of paper and she carefully read them, as others got their stuff. Gwaine’s dropped loudly and he laughed at its contents. His armour, sword, his dad’s symbol, a huge bottle of mead, and his mother’s ring that he was sure the royal his father served had stolen were sitting proudly on the beach. Everyone smiled at the mead and turned to watch Percy’s pop. Inside was his sword, wedding ring, crown, and five old notebooks that he instantly teared up and picked them up. 

Everyone cocked their head but Leon smiled and walked over. They both started to flip through them but paused when Mordred’s bubble popped. Inside it was his armor, a small box and a broken sword. He grabbed the box and carefully opened it. In it was the prophecy and another small paper. 
Morgana walked over, “what does it say?”

Mordred smiled and teared up, “Dear Mordred. It's been a ten years since the last person on the round table passed away. Well the knights of the round table that you sat with. I know that what happened to you was my fault. When we first met I was told to leave you to die. I tried but I couldn’t do it… sometimes I wonder if that’s the reason I’m still alive. Maybe I’m supposed to stay alive until you all come back because I failed… if that’s the truth I’m happy. Because in the end I’ll die when you come back. Percival's death hit me hard but thankfully I know that he’ll be happier if I’m happier. You once told me that the love that binds us is more important than the power we wield. It was smart, smarter than I gave you credit for.”

Mordred paused tears falling down his face, “I’m sorry about Kara. I know that in a way you’re both together now. I’m sorry that I didn’t give you a chance, I wish I did. Looking back on it everything you did was innocent, if I hadn’t seen you kill Arthur just before we saw you again… I think I would’ve given you a chance. I’m sorry that Emrys wasn’t a protector for the Druids like you all hoped. Arthur was and will always be my main priority. As long as I live, I live for him. Maybe you would’ve been the same way if I hadn’t screwed up. Mordred, you were a perfect knight, a good friend, and a strong Druid. I wish I could’ve realized it sooner. I give you this sword as a reminder, I trust you. But don’t hurt Arthur again. Sorry, just be a good man. I know you can be. I’m sorry I wasn’t your friend. Sincerely, Merlin… Emrys.” Morgana pulled Mordred into a hug and Freya smiled at the two of them. “What about yours?” Mordred asked the dark haired high priestess.

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