Just a Doctor

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Morgan was startled when footsteps had started this way. Looking away from the scar he saw Morgause followed by Morgana and Mordred. Letting out an annoyed groan he watched Morgause fill with amusement. "Comfortable?" The woman smiled cruelly.

Morgan scoffed, "No. My glasses have been slowly falling off my face. It's very annoying."

Morgana behind her sister smiled at the sarcasm but soon wiped it off her face, "sister he's trying to rile you up again."

Morgause rolled her eyes, "he'll have to try better than that."

"Is that a challenge?" Morgan asked and gave her a wink.

"You intrigue me, Merlin. Why does a lowly servant continue to risk everything for Arthur and for Camelot? You know the answer, but you're not telling me. Why? Come on. Time and again you put your life on the line. There must be a reason." She circled Morgan who was in chains kneeling in the woods.

"I believe in a fair and just land."

"And you think Arthur will give you that?" Morgause jeered.

"I know it," Morgan spoke without hesitating.

"And then what? You think you'll be recognised, Merlin? Is that it? All this so, one day, you can be a serving boy to the King? No. There's something more. Something you're not telling me, isn't there?" She looked curious and bent down to look him in the eye.

"I told you," Morgan said after a few seconds, making it known to the witch that he was lying.

Morgause looked pissed, "Well, you can take your secret to your grave. Weorc untoworpenlic." The chains glowed yellow and tightened around him. "You chose to poison one of my own. You may regret that," she said before walking away.

Morgan gasped and Morgause tilted her head, "what happened, Merlin?"

The doctor glared at the blonde, "there is a big pressure point in the wrist. Because of your ropes, it keeps getting hit."

Morgause smiled but the other two sent him a worried look, "good. You know this reminds me of another time where you were trapped in ropes. I never did figure out how you got out. Probably with magic," she mused.

"You guys really need to see people for your... bondage issues," Morgan sighed.

Morgause glared, "alright sister he's all yours." The blonde rushed off and Morgana and Morded watched her go.

"Are you alright Morgan?" Mordred asked quickly untying the rope.

"I'll be fine," Morgan rubbed his wrists before giving them an odd look.

"Let's get you out of here," Morgana grimaced. "They want to keep you in a state where even if you got your memories back you couldn't help anyways. Morgause plans on showing magic to the world, then ruling it... after killing Arthur and all of his friends."

"Well isn't that swell," Morgan muttered checking the damage of his watch. It would be fine however there was a small hairline crack barely even noticeable. "Glad she thinks I'm that powerful... However, honestly I kind of wanna take a nap."

Mordred laughed and gave Morgan his coat, "let's go." Quietly they started to head towards the exit. Morgan fingered the red cut on his chest and touched the large burn mark.

"Your childish tricks are useless against me, Merlin. I am a priestess of the Old Religion. Forbærne! You, too, are a creature of the Old Religion. You should join me." Nimueh smiled at him and it was so different from the normal smile he had seen. This wasn't the same doctor Morgan had worked with for the last decade.

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