Chapter 37: Listen to the wisp

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Once we were on the outskirts of the woods around Dragons Mountain the twenty warriors waited for me to explain, their eyes hungry with need.

"We've set up a race lined by blue ribbons," I explained as they looked down the forest at the many ribbons. "This isnt just any race, out here is where the wisps live," took Ash and I all morning to find this spot. "Wisps if you let them will and can lead you from your path and if that happens then you do not move onto the next challenge," as much as I hated this was Ashs idea and it was going to be fun. I put my hand out and spun a ball of ice out of air, "If you dont play by the rules I will know," I said not telling them how. "I want people who are not only strong but loyal," I looked at all of their faces. "Maybe its you or maybe its not but I am giving you a chance." They at least deserved that.

"All we have to do is finish the race and we'll move onto the next challenge?" A shorter man asked from the end of the line crossing his bulging arms over his tattooed chest.

"Yes and whoever wins this race will automatically be apart of my team that is if I deem you worthy."

Ash looked at the man and gave him a frown, "Its not as easy as it looks."

"We are the roughest of Dragons Mountain you'll need a bit more them some wee wisps to take us out, ay," someone chuckled.

"When Ash tips over the sand clock the race will begin if you are not back by the time the last grain drops then you are automatically disqualified."

These tests were to ensure I could find the good in at least one of these men or woman. While Ash bet that none of them would pass at least not the last test, I had high hopes. Ash flipped over the sand clock and they all speed off the first ten minutes of the race they would see nothing till they pass the empty meadow. If my guess is correct at least five of them will be taken astray if not half of them, I couldnt really tell how strong their minds were. I was able to read all of them perfectly except for of course Balthazar the oldest of them all, he seemed to be physically the strongest as well.

The curiosity in me burned. "Why didnt you tell them we'd be watching them?"

I set the ice ball down as it showed us them running and sat on a stump waiting for the real excitement to arrive. Was it wrong of us watching them and enjoying it? I'm not sure but I figured we might as well make a game of it, "I want them to be one hundred percent themselves if they know I can sense and watch their every move they'd be more careful. I want to know what kind of people these dragons are."

"They're monsters Nadia, outcasts."

"Thats what we're going to need in the long run," I said watching the ball flipping through each mindspace so far Balthazar was in lead, a young red head close behind. I actually hardly remembered her, she was small and messy looking but even with dirt staining her face she was beautiful. "Who is she?"

"That's Myra she looks tiny and useless but she's actually a retired assassin."

"Is that so?" I smiled, "She must be ruthless."

"Too ruthless I'd say she's a wild one I can only assume thats why you're so interested," he rolled his eyes as we both watched her move through the woods silently creeping on Balthazar. "She can't be trusted." Maybe not now but just looking at her I knew her, she was me. At least me not too long ago, she had something to prove and she would do anything to do so.

"None of them can," I said tracing my lip with my finger, the gears in my brain turning. "But everyone's capable of gratitude, none of these people have had life given to them like most of your warriors. They have a story and what makes them different is that their stories happen to make them look like the bad guy, how do you grow from that? When you're already labeled you decide to live to it."

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