Chapter 3: Dance of the dead

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   I was a bit flustered for this "dance of the dead," especially after my dress was delivered. The neckline was heart shaped and sleeveless, the color a lovely off white, the silk dress flared out around my waist. There was not only one slit in the dress but two, both dangerously high. The dress was detailed with silver jewels scattered at the bottom that matched the silver threads woven into my braided hair. The ladies who did my hair made sure to leave two strands of hair framing my small face, I looked beautiful but I felt a bit empty.

   The dress didn't have a train thank god, it was always so hard moving around in dresses bigger then me. "I wish I could go with you,"Gregory sighed as he paced behind me.

   "Leave us please," I said to the young girls that fixed the fabric on my dress. "Ill be fine," I told Gregory once I made sure the doors were shut properly. "I think you've got this all wrong, these people for the most part are good. Their only sin might be that they are too nice and soft."

   "You threaten their power, this is just the calm before the storm." Gregory has been through a lot from getting his body stolen by a demon/elf, to losing me and what we once meant to each other. He is my closest friend and someone I will always fight for, as he would for me. "You know I seen a troll? Lord Ash didnt tell us trolls still lived."

   "Pixies still live as well. When we asked him he was assuming we were asking if he had any Fae or humans. Though there cant be many trolls left what would they have eaten?" I asked myself.

   "When will you and Berella start creating?"

   "When we make a world that's safe to bring new life into," I said getting up to face Gregory. He wore black armor and brown trousers that were a tad too long. "I dont want to add more lives we cant protect after all we dont know what else or who else lives," I reminded him. "I have been having visions," I swollowed tightly. "A blanket of water is where our doom lies," I said. "Every time I reach the ocean I am pulled back by something and then I'm drowning."


   "Maybe, could be sirens or nymphs, I dont know all I see is what I can be given. Fate can be altered but theirs so many ways it could change. Death is only right around the corner I can feel it." These powers and instincts I have can be too much at once, although I am a creator I didnt say I knew what I was doing....

   "Who?" Gregory asked tightly, "Who dies?"

   "Me." He's the first person I have told and the only person I will tell because I knew he would keep my secret.

   "And you were going to tell me this when?" He ran a hand through his dark brown curly locks the dragged them down his face in frustration.

   "I wasn't going to tell you at all," I confessed. Everything becomes too real when someone else knows. "I'm not ready to die," my body started shaking again. Gregory even though this anger was clear, pulled me into his embrace.

   "You won't, not with me by your side," this brought a slow chuckle to us both.

I am a target to anyone who is stupid enough to crave my power. Even though most think I'm immortal, an iron dagger stabbed into my heart is my only weakness. When I die or Berella dies, the next creator would be our killers but then again I could be wrong.

  Gregory killed Raven and Berella came back as the next creator instead of him. Raven hid in our walls watching me, plotting my final breathe. In Valkri if anything has been proven its that life changes all the time, people betray you and you dont really know anything. Even when you think you do.

   "I wonder who the lucky bastard will be."

   "Don't talk like that," Gregory scolded me. "Even though I haven't found any evidence theres something Ash isn't telling us. I can feel it."

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