Chapter 26: Kiss from the Tides

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   Going on a mission is hard enough as is but when you put different personalities together and -force them to work together shit goes south pretty damn fast.

    "I'm beginning to think the old man doesnt know what he's talking about," Nixin snarled as she trenched through mud in her perfect sea blue dress. "We've lost two horses, we're living on one meal a day and I haven't showered since we've stepped foot in these woods. Three days ago!" I felt bad for Rone even he looked annoyed with Nixin after all she's the reason they lost their horse. How does she not know how to tie a horse to a tree? Karma was a beautiful thing really after all the last thing I wanted to do was be away from Simon and miss my moms burial but I had no choice because I had to be here.

   "You know I'm starting to wonder how you even survived the curse," I scuffed.

   "The next spring we pass I'm rinsing off and you wont stop me," she eyed Ash. Yesterday we had passed a beautiful large spring but we were on a lead after losing Charles trail the day before, we couldnt stop and Ash personally made sure Nixin listened.

   "I really do wish you didnt bring the damn human," Marcus growled as he walked by my side, he apparently didnt like horses and Arisella didnt feel to warm to him either. 

    "Poor King, he loves you," Arisella pondered.

   I didnt speak aloud but I said, "He has a lousy way of showing it."


   "What?" I picked the most judgmental animal known to planet if people thought I was unbearable Arisella was ten times worse. 

   "I think you're just being a little hypocritical, you told me you left him and then when you wanted him back he expressed he still loved you. You could have faught for him."

   "I wouldn't be caught dead trying to pursue the man who was supposed to cherish me and ended up breaking my heart."

   "You broke his heart first didnt you?" she asked. "Your pride will be the very thing that keeps you back."

   "Thanks for the insight," I said aloud sarcastically.

   Ash gave me an amused look, "Having another fight again?" He's asked raising a brow.


   "Yes," Arisella said, only Ash couldn't hear her thoughts. I guess that's a good thing.


   Nixin got her wish just before the sun started to set Charles trail lead us by the ocean. Nixin and Rone went off to find a spot in the cove to do lord knows what...I wasn't happy that they were together but I guess I was at the point where Rone hooking up with Nixin was the least of my problems anymore. It was like that ache couldnt matter not when I lost my mother, not when I know Simon is crying himself to sleep and he probably would for many nights. Then to top it all off... I no longer loved the one place I called home for 18 years.

    That reminded me... I'll be 19 tomorrow. Only a select few people know my birthday and the only person here that would know is Rone and I'm sure he forgot by now. I was the last thing on his mind as well it seemed. 

   I gathered a tunic and pants I had packed and ventured away from the group looking for a private area. After a few minutes of walking around the cove I found a shaded area, looking around to make sure there wasn't anyone around I started taking off my clothes.

  The water was actually warm to my surprise, I dove straight into the dark choppy waters, clenching my eyes shut as the water rinsed the days of dirt off my body. I rose to the surface and started floating on my back, watching the beautiful sunset scattered in colors of orange, purple and pink in the sky. This was the calmest I've felt in weeks, I closed my eyes and just listened to the water lapping over in my ears.

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