Chapter 46: Witches Touch

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   I didnt know what it would feel like having Ophella mess around in my brain but when she pulled out I felt the same. "You're done?" I asked as she knelt back down to Ash setting her moon water over the life stones she had laid on his chest.

   After a long moment of foreign words I couldn't understand she looked up at me with sorrow. "It is done. He wont wake up for a couple hours and for you... you might not feel any different now but the effects are different on everyone. Like I said there is a price," I knew she didnt understand my decision but she didn't judge.

   "I know," I said looking over at Berella. "I need to find a way to help Rone can you make sure Ash is taken care of till I can come see him?" ash would be fine but right now Rone needed me more then anything.

   "Of course."

   "I'm sure Blade would want to be by Ashs side I will go get him," Gregory said. "But you will need someone with you."

   Grabbing Arisellas reigns I said, "We are at our most vulnerable right now I need to bring Rone back as soon as possible, I dont need any distractions."

   "It'll take time, time you might not have if Marvis really is coming back," Ophella warned, "Let me come with I could be of some help." Honestly she could be more help then me, I still was learning my way with peoples minds it was a touchy craft. Though I'm sure I could cast a spell but I wouldn't even know where to start.

   "I dont want to ask for too much-"

   "Nonsense we are one in the same are we not? Rone is my king if I could help him in any way I'd be honored."

"You are too good," I didn't have time to let my emotions get the best of me. "You could ride to the palace on Arisella."

"You're giving out free rides to everybody," Arisella snarled.

"Could you for once just help me?" I pleaded I took her no as a yes.


   Even with Nixin a few cages down she continued to yap as I tried to focus, "You really think he'll come back to you after you gave up on him?" She asked bitterly. After my failed attempt to shift through his mind I let Ophella try. "The one person he could count on didnt even realize he was being feed on by a siren. You went off with the dragon lord and fell in love, how do you think he's going to react to that?" I couldn't see her but I could tell she was smiling.

   "I know your game," I accused her trying to ignore her spiteful mouth. "I'd hate to say it but you and I are far too similar, you're trying to weaken my strength but its not going to work because I will do anything for Rone."

   "Just like you would Ash," her voice dripped with venom. "Say you do bring your King back and he wants you just as passionately as he did before, are you even going to bother telling him you are in love with the Dragon Lord? That he is your soul mate," her voice was flat and accusing. How did she know?

   I already knew the reality of things, there is no going back to who we were, I'm bringing him back because Rone would have done the same for me. It doesnt change anything that has happened, maybe its old fashioned of me to think someone could only have eyes for me. Rones eyes would always wonder and that fear alone would always hold me back but I owed this a chance, a real chance.

   "Oh and then if you let go of poor Ash... losing the love of his life all over again might just ruin the poor guy," she paused. "I'd usually say let the best man win but I'm afraid we already know who that is... Old love is never as strong as new love everyone knows that," she sighed.

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