Chapter 47: The last petal

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Before I had left Ophelia with Rone she gave me a pendulum that would help me with finding survivors. She told me that it would always pull to the closest form of life. I was thankful for everything she's done for us, "Take care of him."


   Even though Rone was sleeping I slipped the note I wrote him into his pocket, in case he did come back to us before I got back. Or in case I were to not come back at all.

"I'm so sorry," I said kissing his forehead. "This is all my fault and I will fix this. I will make sure Valkri and you have everything you could ever need," I promised him.

   My mother had once said that our love would last and once I had thought the same but I couldnt help but see how easily it was to break. I could blame myself forever, I could blame Nixin, I could even blame Ash for making me fall for him. But I knew the blame was on fate and fate alone. All I could do now is give everything I have left and finally bring Valkri back to its prime.

I tried to think of what my mother would say but I couldnt find her voice. No matter how hard I tried to escape from the present, she was no where. She was gone. I got up from Rones side, leaving Ophellia to her work. I had full trust in her that she would bring Rone back to us.

   I opened Nixins cage which was one over from Rones. She gave me a wondering look and unlike usual her hair was unkempt and her clothes basically rags. It was odd seeing her like this. "You're coming with us," I smiled knowing fully she wouldn't like this. "I figured a siren would be of good use and theres now way I'm letting you out of my sight so close to Rone."

"You are going to drag a pregnant woman through the woods?" She cocked her head to the side, "How does Gregory feel about this?" She asked getting up and walking out of the cage, "I mean I'm not complaining, helping you would be a lot more entertaining than sitting by that pathetic King day in and out."

"Watch it," I snarled in her face.

She didn't flinch, "After everything he's done you still defend him?"

"Everything thats happened is because of you."

She smirked, "Perhaps... Rone was fighting me for a while but something happened for him to let me in. With or without me he would have strayed thats what all Kings do. Woman are merely here for their entertainment. I guess it's in my favor that most men would bow at my feet," she smiled but there was no happiness behind it. If anything she looked as if the life had been sucked out of her. "He's no different then Marvis if you'd ask me. The only difference is Rone could care less about his people. The man you knew was gone the moment you left him to face his demons at night," that stung a bit but I let her go on. "Did you even know he sees ghosts? By the surprise on your face I'm taking that as a no... Since we got so chummy one night he told me he seen the dead that were killed. Elves trapped in demons bodies unable to rest and he helped you kill them even though he wasn't a killer. He was gone way before I came along, loving you broke him."

"You're enjoying this arnt you?" I couldnt argue because what she said was true, loving me broke him. Trying to be what I needed, broke him and now all I could do was keep moving.

"Every bit but girl to girl you know you could never love him the same again so why even try? Why try when the man you should love is just the other way?" she asked raising her chin she was genuinely curious. "Anyways, two weeks together and I'm sure we will become the best of friends."

"Lets go," I cocked my head and stepped aside so she could move past me. I could never be friends with that serpent.

I ordered some guards to watch Nixin in the hall while I talked to Ash who was sitting in his guest room. "You can hate me all you want, you can hate me the entire journey but I need you," I admitted.

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