Chapter Two

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Chapter Two | Routine

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Chapter Two | Routine



The sun began its ascent over the horizon, casting a gentle glow upon the Grace Field House, where the children's daily routine unfolded like clockwork. In the early hours, the kids rose from their slumber, eager to assist their custodian; Isabella, with various chores. As the morning haze lifted, they sat together for their daily test, their minds sharpened by complex puzzles and questions, seeking to earn the coveted high scores that defined their worth and garnered their praise.

Amid the bustling activity, Ninelie found herself dutifully hanging freshly laundered sheets on a pole, a task she carried out diligently each day. Being one of the eldest children in the House, she bore a significant burden of responsibilities, never shirking from her duties. Across the open field, laughter and playful shrieks echoed as the others, except Ray, immersed themselves in a spirited game of tag within the forest.

Ray, with his characteristic contemplative demeanor, chose a different path, finding solace under the shade of a towering tree, engrossed in the pages of a book. Unlike his energetic companions, he neither reveled in physical games nor succumbed to indolence. His brilliance and intelligence made him an invaluable asset in the House, where every child was meticulously nurtured for a mysterious purpose.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, and Ninelie continued her chores, her thoughts wandered back to the earlier incident—the daily test results. The announcement of their perfect scores, the four top-notchers namely—Emma, Ninelie, Ray, and Norman—elicited mixed emotions within her. 

     "Congratulations! Our four top-notchers once again! Emma, Ninelie, Ray, and Norman, perfect 300s!"  Isabella's voice resounded inside Ninelie's head.

Beneath the facade of celebration, she held a silent inner turmoil, contemplating the true meaning behind their scores.

These high scores were a testament to the children's talents and hard work, a source of pride and encouragement. But Ninelie knew better; she understood the dark truth veiled behind these apparent accolades. The points they earned were not mere indicators of intelligence; they represented their worth as commodities, valuable resources to a world far crueler than they could imagine.

The children of Grace Field House were not mere orphans; they were engineered to be so. Born out of necessity rather than love, they were the product of a sinister design, fated to serve a terrible purpose—to be offered as sacrificial lambs to the monstrous beings lurking beyond the gates of the House.

Ninelie's mind swirled with a maelstrom of thoughts. She felt the weight of responsibility pressing down upon her frail shoulders. As she contemplated the path she must take, a sense of isolation enveloped her. The potential of becoming a spy for Isabella, their caretaker, had crossed her mind, but the moral dilemma gnawed at her conscience. Becoming a traitor to her family, the only companions she knew, seemed unbearable. 

     'Why did I think about that in the first place?' She thought.


Her thoughts were interrupted by a small hand tugging at her skirt. Startled, Ninelie turned to see Phil, the endearing youngest child, looking up at her with innocent eyes, full of affection and trust. In his presence, her worries seemed to melt away, replaced by a warm sense of peace.

Despite her exhaustion and desire for rest, Phil's plea to join their game of tag tugged at her heartstrings. She longed to play with the others and revel in their joy, but her body protested. With a promise to join them later, she watched Phil return to his friends, and her heart swelled with gratitude for the companionship they offered.

Joining Ray under the tree, Ninelie's fatigue became more apparent, and he couldn't help but notice her drained appearance. The concern in his eyes triggered an unexpected proximity between them, leaving Ninelie momentarily flustered. However, Ray's cool demeanor soon reasserted itself, and he brushed off any notions of worry.

     "Are you okay? You look like you're about to pass out," he remarked, concern evident in his tone.

     "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, I suppose." Ninelie replied, brushing off Ray's concern.

Ray sighed, "You should've just let the other kids do the laundry,"

     "It's fine, Ray. Plus, doing laundry's the only time I ever get to move around."

     "Don't tell me," He looked at her anxiously, "Your anemia has worsened?"

     "Not that much. Don't worry about it."


     "HEY, GUYS!" Ninelie shifted her gaze toward the figure in the distance. An orange head was bobbing up and down. It was Emma, she was on her way towards the tree, which meant that she had already been caught by Norman.

Once she was underneath the shade of the tree, she plopped herself down onto the grass, lazily. 

 "Norman caught you again, Emma?" Ninelie asked her and the orange head sheepishly nodded.

      "He always gets me, even if I ran faster than him," Emma whined.

Emma; one of the eldest children in the Grace Field House. She is athletic and sufficiently intelligent. Though she could be naïve sometimes, she's most of all, a very kind and outgoing girl.

     "Maybe you should strategize more, Emma" Norman sat beside the whining girl.

Norman; he's also one of the eldest children in the Grace Field House. He may be a little frail, but he's always smart and thinks through everything. He can be mischievous at times, and his love for Emma is always in the picture.

     "I just want to have fun with the others! If you start talking about strategy and tactics now, I might as well lose my mind." Emma complained.

As the three were lost in their conversation, the white-haired girl felt her wrist vibrate all of a sudden. She looked at her watch and saw the usual red light, shown on the long handle.

     "I'll be right back, Mama sent me a signal just now," Ninelie stood up and patted away the dried leaves that were stuck behind her skirt.

     "Huh? Already?" Emma whinged, "Isn't it a bit early for that?"

     "It's only going to take a few minutes; I won't be gone for too long," Ninelie assured the orange head.

     "Alright, we'll be waiting," Norman said. 

     "Don't take too long," Ray added.

Ninelie nodded and waved them goodbye before heading back to the House, turning off the watch as she walked. 

Back at the lone tree, the three gazed towards Ninelie entering the house—feeling concerned for her well-being.

     "Ninelie... didn't look so good, huh?" Emma said, hugging her knees. "It's been so long since she last played tag with us,"

     "That's true, she did seem a little off earlier." Norman chimed in, equally worried.

     "She's anemic, that's normal for her," Ray dismissed, "She'll get better soon."


     'But I wonder when that soon will be?'

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