Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight | Spies & Threats

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Chapter Eight | Spies & Threats


In the dimly lit library, Emma, Norman, Ray, and Ninelie gathered, their faces reflecting the weariness of the day's events. They had managed to evade Sister Krone during their evening game of tag, and Emma remarked, "Sister Krone has left us alone since then."

     "Mama must've ordered her to. After all, she suspected us at first too, but it doesn't seem that way now." Norman explained.

     "Why not?" asked Emma.

Norman moved his head to the side, "What do you think, Ray?"

Ray replied with a question of his own, "What do you think, Norman?"

     "Mama must've pulled some strings so that she doesn't have to do anything herself," Norman explained.

Emma, still puzzled, inquired further, "What do you mean by that?"

Norman faced back to the front, "What would be the easiest scenario for Mama? One where she can learn what we're up to without lifting a finger herself."

     "But there are no cameras or bugs here..." Emma trailed off just as she came to a realization, her eyes widening in fear. "No way..."

     "Yes. It's likely that..."

     "There's already someone else keeping an eye on us," Ninelie chimed in. "Someone among the kids, at that."

Ray nodded, "There's a spy among us." 








Later that evening, Ninelie returned to the library, determined to find some informative books. As she perused the old encyclopedias and storybooks, she asked Ray to join her for a conversation.

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