Things change around the 11-year-old orphans from Grace Field as they approach their twelfth year of life.
✦ Will these four eldest children, who have placed so much faith in their sole guardian, Isabella, be able to betray that trust after learnin...
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Chapter Nineteen | Unknown Someone
Ninelie weakly opened her eyelids, the world coming into blurry focus as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. The infirmary's atmosphere was gloomy, and the bed she lay on was cold, yet oddly comfortable. Beside her, Emma, with her vibrant orange hair, still bore the pain in her leg, panting from the ordeal.
Ray, with a mixture of concern and relief, glanced at Ninelie and let out a sigh. "You're awake."
With some effort, Ninelie propped herself up on her left arm, and Ray gently assisted her. "How long was I out?" she asked.
"About an hour," Ray informed her.
Her gaze shifted to the other bed, where Emma was resting.
"And Norman? Where is he?"
"He went to get me some water," Emma spoke up, her voice tinged with tears. "It's taking him forever, even though we have so much to talk about."
Finally, the door creaked open, revealing Norman, a glass of water in his hands, accompanied by a warm smile. "Emma."
But as soon as his eyes met Ray's, Norman's smile faltered. "Ray."
"Norman, run away by yourself during lunch tomorrow." Ray began.
"We are not letting you die," said Emma.
Norman smiled faintly, disregarding their desperatesuggestions. "Sorry, I can't."
"Denied." Ray and Emma declared in unison, causing Norman to make a somewhat dorky face.
"To be more precise, pretend to run away by yourself during lunch tomorrow. Disable your transmitter, pretend to escape, and hide in the grounds until Emma's leg heals." Ray elaborated.
"And then escape with us when we do," Emma added.
"But, security will be tougher if I escape, even if I'm pretending," Norman noted.
"Not a problem." Ray said, "Going by the rearing policy in this House..."
"It won't get much tougher, if at all." Ninelie continued.
"Rearing policy?" Norman looked puzzled.
Ray raised two fingers, explaining, "First, raise the produce in a relaxed, wholesome environment. Second, never let them know the secret. The first one aids brain development. Healthy children with rich emotional depth and a relaxed upbringing. This is a basic requirement of every human produced in this House."