Things change around the 11-year-old orphans from Grace Field as they approach their twelfth year of life.
✦ Will these four eldest children, who have placed so much faith in their sole guardian, Isabella, be able to betray that trust after learnin...
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Chapter Twenty-One | Reminiscing
In the midst of a picturesque evening winter, where snow gently cascaded from the heavens, I found myself grappling with a peculiar identity. Referred to as [Ninelie], I had grown so accustomed to the name that it almost felt like a part of me—even if it wasn't. Even if the name belonged to someone else. Perhaps too accustomed, for whenever people called out to me, I remained unresponsive, earning whispers of mistaken deafness.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks stretched into months, and I continued to embrace the identity of Ninelie. However, this prolonged charade began to take a toll on my well-being. I fell seriously ill for the first time, enduring a relentless fever that forced me to remain confined to my bed for three agonizing days.
Finally recovering from my fever, I found myself in the midst of winter. The sight outside my window was breathtaking, with the snow gracefully falling, layer upon layer, creating a pristine white blanket that covered the landscape. But winter wasn't my cup of tea; it filled me with a sense of sadness as I observed the plants freezing and withering away under the icy grip of the season.
However, amidst this melancholy, 'A flower bloomed!' a glimmer of hope appeared. My gaze fixed on a solitary tulip outside the window. Its presence was a surprise, and it brought a flicker of excitement to my heart. The tulip stood amidst the snow, its white petals blending seamlessly with the wintry surroundings. Yet, upon closer inspection, I realized that the purity of the petals was an illusion, merely the snow masking its true color.
I disregarded the cold, leaving behind any warm clothing or accessories, and ventured outside to rescue the struggling tulip. Excitement filled me as I wondered what color lay concealed beneath the snow.
Crouching before the flower, I gingerly began removing the snow, unveiling the vibrant red petals of the tulip. It was truly a sight to behold, but my efforts didn't end there. The snow persisted, attempting to cover the flower again and again. Yet, I refused to give up, tirelessly clearing the snow away minute after minute.
Strange as it was, I found an inexplicable sense of contentment in this endeavor. Perhaps it was fueled by my unwavering determination, or maybe something deeper within me guided my actions.
A poignant thought crossed my mind: Could it be that, like this resilient tulip, if I were to die, I too might bloom again, just like the flowers in Spring?
With that thought, I laid my cold body on the frozen ground, much like the flower, and allowed the snow to accumulate upon me. The peaceful serenity of the snowy landscape enveloped me, and I gradually slipped into a profound slumber.
In this moment of tranquil surrender, I found solace in knowing that even as winter's chill embraced me, the promise of life and renewal remained, just like that courageous tulip, ready to bloom again when the frosty days gave way to the warmth of Spring.