| Three |

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"Hold on,"

Ryujin wanted to giggle at how cute Yuna sounded. She never imagined that Yuna would resemble those K-drama guys who wanted to act cool around their significant others. The fact that Yuna struggled to get past the first pedal made her lose it.

"Let me," She got off the back seat of the bike and stood to the side signaling Yuna to follow suit. The latter just pouted and did as she was told.

"Hold onto me," Ryujin spoke charismatically. Yuna hid a smile and wrapped her arms around the older girl's waist while her feet dangled to the side.

"Tight. I'm going fast."

As she tightened her grip and leaned on her back, Ryujin smirked. She started to pedal with ease. Her short navy hair flowed against the wind and Yuna couldn't stop staring at her. Damn, she looks cool.


The latter was brought back to reality when she finally realized they were parked.

"I asked you if you would like me to do anything in particular as we walk in."

Yuna was in deep thought for a minute or so until Ryujin got off the bike, "Forget it. You're a terrible director."

She held her hand out, "...Do you trust me?"

Yuna nodded, not knowing what she was getting herself into. The older girl surprised her by the second and a part of her wanted to keep getting surprised. As if she was on some sort of amusement park ride.

Right from the get-go, Ryujin was like a different person. She had her arm around Yuna's waist and whispered in her ear, "Just relax. You're really tense right now." She slightly teased her in the disguise of a piece of advice. Yuna followed suit and wrapped her arm around Ryujin's shoulder. A few people gave them looks but shrugged it off. The two had always been touchy so this wasn't as surprising.

"Hey, Shin Siblings!"

Great, the two thought to themselves. They forgot to let their two closest friends in the secret plan. Yuna glanced at Ryujin with her natural puppy eyes, giving her a look of uncertainty. Do they tell them the truth or...

It's best that not a lot of people know to lower the risk of the secret spreading, Ryujin telepathically communicated to the younger girl.

Ryujin, an actress who deserved an Oscar nomination paused, "Oh, yeah... So, girls, we should end that nickname. We're together now,"

Lia shifted her eyes from the girl who just spoke to Yuna and back. As if an invisible lightbulb popped on top of her head, "Ah... like together, together?"

The girl next to her, named Yeji, smirked, "I knew it would happen anytime now."

Yuna and Ryujin both blushed, unsure of how to feel.

Should I be happy that the two didn't suspect us or feel weird that we gave off this vibe from the start...? Yuna thought to herself.

Guess the chemistry just spoke for itself. Yuna wanted to spill the truth, but Ryujin decided that she was more than happy that they looked like a real couple.

"T-The truth is-!"

Ryujin covered Yuna's mouth without a warning. As the younger girl struggled to remove her gross palm, she nervously laughed at their two older friends who just gave them amused looks.

"It's okay, Yuna! T-They don't need to know every detail. Come on, we have class." She gave Lia and Yeji one last smile before dragging Yuna with her.

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