| Six |

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a/n; guess who decided to show up 🤡

recap: yuna asked ryujin to kiss her and ryujin got flustered; yuna claims it was for practice and tension arises

ryujin rants about it to lia and lia advises her to end the whole pretend thing next week

I'm working on my writing style! pls be patient w me, I know I have a lot to work on. if my next update takes longer, it'll be because of that.

thank you for your patience :)

songs to put u in a mood:

paramore - still into you
5sos - she looks so perfect


The whole weekend flew by without a single day Ryujin crossed that street to visit the Shin neighbors. She left Yuna on read and when Monday morning came, immediately regretted doing so. She stepped outside her house. No Yuna.

"Guess I have to go alone today," Ryujin mutters under her breath.

"Why'd you assume that?" An unwarranted voice asked her.

"AHH!" The older girl nearly fell back, only for a pair of arms to catch her and a face so close to her own. She immediately backed away, adding distance between their bodies as if it was her reflex now to do so.

"Hey," Yuna softly greeted, her heart about to burst from her chest from Ryujin's gaze. Somehow it always got to her, the way her unnie would stare at her without saying anything.


Both of them experienced an awkward silence until Yuna decided to drag her bike around the corner by the handles. Ryujin bit back a smile, seeing the girl struggle a little.

"Let's go, babe?"

Babe, that's new. Ryujin thought to herself. Her heart leaped out of her chest but tried her hardest to ignore it. She nodded and once again she offered to be the driver. She put on Yuna's helmet while the latter stared into her eyes as if she were under a spell.

She started pedaling and felt Yuna's small arms circle her waist. Ba-dump.

"How was your weekend?"

"Good. I actually had to go to an unplanned practice yesterday because we have a game this afternoon."

"No wonder the neighborhood was quieter than usual," Ryujin joked with a calm voice.

The taller of the two pouted and slapped her shoulder. Ryujin's skillful arms managed to survive that slap and the bike only swerved an inch or so. Her grin reached her eyes as she chuckled softly.

"You fool, if you do that again we're both falling."

Yuna just rolled her eyes with a smile. I don't mind falling, Ryujin.

I don't mind falling if it's with you, Ryujin thought in her head.

"You're coming to the game... right?"

Ryujin jutted her lips, "We'll see."

"You're so annoying... as usual," Yuna sighed and rested her chin on Ryujin's shoulder, a habit she couldn't help anymore.

"I know, it's my favorite hobby... annoying you."

Yuna just kept silent and closed her eyes, Somehow, it's my favorite too. To be annoyed by you.


Lia observed the two and concluded everything seemed to be back to normal ⁠— for now, at least. As usual, the two were bickering and somehow managing to be lovey-dovey at the same time. She couldn't help but wish her two friends were giving each other the cold shoulder because of how gross they acted. Ugh, I hate being single. Lia thought.

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