| Nine |

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Ryujin couldn't fall asleep that night. She knew Yuna had cried after their talk and part of her was worried that she ruined everything. To be fair, she didn't know Yuna wanted to talk to her and still had no clue what she wanted to talk to her about.

However, she needed to push through with her plan. For the past few days, she promised that she would be the first one to back away. It wasn't a matter of pride, but more of a catalyst. She was certain Yuna felt something for her and 'breaking up' with her would trigger that feeling into a stronger one.

1:34 AM.

Ugh, it's late. I have school tomorrow.

The hazy girl got off her bed and stood in front of her window to stare at the dark road with the lamp's golden light illuminating it. It was a habit she always did whenever she couldn't sleep. She's done it since she was nine, around the time she met Yuna.

Ironically, this habit is also how the two got closer. The first time Ryujin couldn't fall asleep at their new apartment, she sat on her window sill, and across the street, Yuna was doing the same. She had a flashlight below her chin and tried to scare the older girl, but failed. Since then, they would do dumb stuff during the night with no one knowing.

In the present, even as Ryujin feels that Yuna is beyond her reach, the two are somehow connected again through the windows.

As Yuna became aware of Ryujin staring at her from the other side, she flinched a little, but managed to smile and wave, receiving a wave back.

"Go to sleep," She mouthed.

Ryujin didn't know why but she felt embarrassed. She was caught awake and there was no other reason except for the kiss from earlier. But Yuna's awake too... is she affected as much as I am?

Seeing her bright smile, Ryujin concluded not.

"Why aren't you?" Ryujin mouthed back.

Yuna raised an eyebrow out of confusion, but it went back down as she translated it in her mind. She shrugged without a word even though she knew the reason.

"Goodnight, Yuna." Ryujin mouthed, wanting to leave. Yuna nodded with a smile but stayed still in her spot. The older of the two never liked leaving first, even back then. But she always did. Somehow after seeing Yuna's face was like an instant sleeping pill. She wanted to be the same for the younger girl.

Ryujin went to her bed and closed her eyes.


The next day of class was torture. Yuna overslept and when she stepped outside, Ryujin's bike was already gone. She pouted, "I guess I do need a ride, dad."

The ride to school felt long and unfamiliar. She missed Ryujin's back and the way her arms felt so secure around her waist. She missed the cold breeze that always seemed to wake her up at 8 AM. Or maybe what woke her up was Ryujin's silly laugh.

"I saw Ryujin dropped you off last night."

Yuna choked on air and looked outside the window, trying to hide her blushing cheek as she remembered how they kissed for a few seconds on their porch. Dumb move, she cursed herself.


"Why don't you invite her for dinner this weekend? You didn't even let her in."

The flustered girl had so many questions and wondered if her dad saw them kiss or not, but his sudden invitation made her conclude that he most likely did not.

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