| Four |

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"Yuna, wait-"

The class was over but for the first time, Chaeryeong actually initiated conversation.

This is interesting, Yuna thought to herself.

She stood at the door and pushed Ryujin outside, who let out a late reaction. Once she saw who had called Yuna, she complied and waited outside on the bench.

Yuna gave her the usual ShinNa-Yu grin. "What's up, coach?"

"Call me Chaeryeong outside of practice," She let out a shy chuckle and put a strand of hair behind her ear. Yuna's heart skipped a beat. Was it the ray of the sun behind her or that small action she just did that makes her seem ten times prettier?


"So, later our practice has been moved to 8 PM. I'm sorry it has to be so late, but the tennis team has a tournament this weekend and they need the fieldhouse."

I nodded, not quite understanding the later complications this change would make.

"Just for tonight?"

"Yes, no worries. Anyway, that's it. Enjoy your date," She left with something that seemed like a smirk. I raised an eyebrow in confusion but then remembered I have a girlfriend waiting outside. I nervously laughed, "Ah, t-thanks, I will!"


"That's what she said... what do you think, huh?" Yuna couldn't stop talking about her interaction with Chaeryeong that made Ryujin a little bitter inside.

Actually, a little is an understatement. Ryujin was boiling inside with jealousy. In addition, their tradition of movie nights at 8 PM was canceled because her stupid practice time change. Pabo Yuna.

"Seems like she's supportive of us." Ryujin egged her on without making it seem like that was her intention.

"S-So you're saying our plan isn't working?! I don't think so. I mean, she could be pretending to support us, but she's secretly planning to steal me from you instead... you know? That smirk from earlier... it has to mean something!"

Ryujin stopped her before she let her jealousy consume her, "Not everything has to mean something. Usually what people tell it like how it is. Not everything has to be all about playing stupid games, you know."

Ironic that what they were doing right now was exactly that. Mind games. On top of that, Ryujin was a living irony of her own statement. She can't directly tell Yuna how she feels and that's why she's suffering.

"Then, what exactly are we doing?"

Ryujin cracked a smile, "Exactly that. But I'm saying not everything is like that. Chaeryeong needs to be aware of the game before she starts playing herself. I don't think she's aware of her own feelings yet. Give it time, okay?" She patted her head while the younger one nodded dejectedly like a sad puppy.

The older of the two continued walking, sweat beads forming on her forehead. Pabo Yuna, Pabo...


"We heard everything."

Ryujin finished writing the word on her paper and looked at Lia who shook her head, "Should've known that Yuna's feelings for Chaeryeong wouldn't have changed that easily."

"What are you talking about?"

"Stop it, Ryujin. Tell us the truth, why are you and Yuna are in this fake relationship thing? For Chaeryeong?" Yeji added.

Ryujin sighed, "I don't know what you're-"

"Shin Ryujin!"

"Fine, yes. I agreed to be her fake girlfriend so she can catch her dense coach. Happy?"

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