| Five |

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Ryujin woke up on her bed and the fact that she was on her bed and not in front of the TV made her feel disoriented. More so when she felt someone breathing on her neck. Her eyes became twice their size and she whipped her body to the other side, immediately flinching back as a face was closer than she imagined. Not just anyone's face.

Shin Yuna was on her bed, cuddling her by the waist. The usually taller girl had her head placed a little below her chin which made her tense.

Oh god, did something happen...? Why can't I remember a single thing?

[Yesterday at 9:35 PM.]

"Hi, auntie!" Yuna greeted with anxiety prevalent in her voice. The Shins were at the dining table enjoying a late-night snack when Yuna appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh, hi Yuna. We thought you weren't coming... that's good you came cause Ryujin is still upstairs waiting for you, I think."

Yuna nodded and rushed upstairs with no time to waste. As she entered the common room, her heart sank seeing the older girl's closed eyes. She had her knees folded and held against her chest, her chin resting on them.

Nonetheless, Yuna grabbed a spot next to her and shared a blanket to cover over their knees.

Ryujin's head fell on her shoulder instantly as if it had been subconsciously programmed to do so. Yuna softly smiled and stared at the screen. She could tell the movie was just a little past the halfway mark because the two main characters were having a little moment.

The movie they decided to watch is called, "Vince, Kath, and James." It's about this guy Vince who helps his best friend James by pretending to be him through texting Kath, his crush. Meanwhile even before James had a thing for Kath, Kath and Vince had always been that pair of best friends who have a love-hate relationship. The movie naturally heads towards Vince falling for Kath through the whole pretending process.

Currently, Yuna is watching the part where Vince and Kath are having their movie night because James bailed out on Kath. The two are having fun playing the roles of the characters in the movie that they're watching. But as the lines get more romantic, their faces get closer and both are unknowingly falling for each other.

Yuna chuckled at the scene and stared at Ryujin. In a way, she could see them being like the couple on screen. Started as best friends, are a fake couple, and fell in... wait, what?

Yuna blinked twice and wondered why such a comparison came to mind.

Still, she wondered. She wondered if she had known earlier that Ryujin was into girls too, would that have changed things? Would she have considered dating her before crushing on Chaeryeong?

"Hmm... Yuna,"

Yuna responded immediately to Ryujin's sleep-talking, "Hmm...?" She leaned her cheek closer to the girl's lips to hear her better.


Yuna slightly smiled, enjoying this whole scene play out.

"You're annoying."

She scoffed and glared at Ryujin, but that glare instantly softened as she realized Ryujin now grinning in her sleep.

"...But I like it."

Yuna rolled her eyes with a curt smile and lightly pressed her forehead against Ryujin's, "You better."


As the movie came to an end, Yuna carried Ryujin in a bridal style to the adjacent room, which was her bedroom. She carefully laid her down and tucked her in, but as she was about to leave, the older girl grabbed her wrist and murmured incoherent whining.

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