| Eight |

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song suggestions!

sunflower - harry styles (listen to this first)

cherry - harry styles (you already know the last part is gonna be angsty AF, sorry in advance)

"And she's alive!!"

Ryujin raised her head at Yeji's psa announcement and shifted her gaze to Yuna grinning at the entrance. She made her way to her desk which was behind Ryujin and Yeji's. The short-haired girl turned around and calmly acknowledged Yuna's presence.

Yuna's eyes said it all. She smiled, but the few seconds of eye-contact between her and Ryujin felt like hours.

"Nice of you to show up."

The younger of the two pouted, "Nice to see you've missed me."

"Well, annoying Yeji wasn't that satisfying."

Yuna didn't know why her cheeks heated up at that comment. Was it anger? Annoyance? Nah, she concluded she felt emotion more similar to giddiness hearing that.

Yeji smirked, "Well, we all know why." She made a side-remark, hinting at their fake relationship, and perhaps, part of it was a subtle hint that both of them were starting to like each other for real.

Ryujin made a mental note at that second to speak to Yuna before they head home.

Class started and Yuna felt distracted the entire time. Yeji being the prankster she was kept whispering things to Ryujin, making the latter continuously try to hold her laughter. Yuna assumed it was something about the way their substitute professor, Ms. Hirai kept making mistakes in her lecture.


"Oh, yes unnie?"

Lia bowed her head a little in shame, "The professor called on you," she gritted through her teeth like a skilled ventriloquist. Yuna turned beet red as she noticed the whole class except for Ryujin was staring holes into her face.

"Sorry, repeat the question?"

"I said... in social psychology what are the three characteristics for a long-lasting relationship?"

Ryujin, Ryujin, and Ryujin.

Of course, Yuna didn't say that out loud. Yet, her lips twitched as she forced the creeping smile to disappear. Yes, that's it. I like her. I need to tell her later.

"Yuna, would you like me to repeat it again??"

Some students stifled immature giggles so Ryujin finally turned around to stare at the flustered girl. How come it took almost a decade for me to realize that I like you, Ryujin?

"No need. One, similarity. Complementarity is only effective for flings or short-term relationships."

She smiled as she thought of how she and Ryujin easily complete each other's sentences and have the same unique sense of humor.

"Two, being together for a long time. The risk of breaking up is low if you've known your partner for a long time before dating."

"And three... if the relationship is equitable, which means both sides receive and give the same amount of love. In other words... both parties love each other equally."

She stared at Ryujin but the latter gave her a blank look before returning her attention to the front. Yuna's heart sunk and wondered if the older got her signal. Are my feelings even reciprocated?

"Absolutely right. I'm hoping for all of you, these will be the types of things you look for in a relationship."

One random student clapped her hand obnoxiously, "Seems like 2Shin Couple will be lasting long, teacher!"

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